This ends soon: please consider voting on the new proposal #265

Support Proposal 265 on PeakD
Support Proposal 265 with Hivesigner
Support Proposal 265 on Ecency
Vote for Brianoflondon's Witness KeyChain or HiveSigner

Update 2:

I'm changing the basis of this work and drastically cutting the requested amount to $40 HBD. This is a maintenance cost instead of a development cost and I will continue to work on this and develop it, but will instead ask for specific funding for new releases and elements.


Mi anterior propuesta @v4vapp ha caducado. Tengo una nueva que está en marcha, pero sin financiación en este momento. Sigo manteniendo @v4vapp y el resto de mis servicios, pero puede que tenga que aumentar la tarifa del 0.8% al 2.0% si sigo sin financiación.

Por favor, considera pedir a tus amigos que voten a favor de la Propuesta #244 o considera dejar de votar la propuesta del HBD Stabilizer explicada más abajo.

Por razones comprensibles en el actual clima cripto es más difícil obtener financiación del DHF, acepto esto así que estoy pidiendo ayuda a un público más amplio de nuevo. También volveré a redactar esta propuesta con más detalles (próximamente). También estoy buscando otras fuentes de financiación.

Además, también puedes ayudar con un voto para el Testigo de Brianoflondon usando KeyChain o HiveSigner.

Si has utilizado me gustaría mucho conocer tu opinión, y si no lo has hecho me encantaría saber por qué o si hay otras cosas que quieres que haga.

  1. El obstáculo para ser financiado lo pone el estabilizador HBD (HBD Stabilizer), cuantos más votos tenga, más votos necesita @v4vapp para ser financiada. Si lo deseas reconsiderar el apoyo a esa propuesta y anular el voto, eso también me ayudaría a mí (y a otros, así que tienes que sopesar esta opción).


My previous @v4vapp proposal has expired. This one is running but unfunded right now. I'm still running @v4vapp and all my other services but I may have to increase the 0.8% fee to 2.0% if I continue to be unfunded.

Please consider asking your friends to vote for prop #244 or consider unvoting the HBD stabilizer explained below.

For understandable reasons in the current crypto climate it is harder to get funded by the DHF, I accept this so I'm asking a wider audience for help again. I will also redraft this proposal with more details (coming soon). I'm also looking for other funding sources.

Additionally you can also help with a vote for Brianoflondon's Witness using KeyChain or HiveSigner

If you have used I'd really like to hear your feedback, and if you haven't I'd be happy to hear why or whether there are other things you want it to do.

  1. The bar to be funded is set by the HBD Stabilizer, the more votes that has, the more votes @v4vapp needs to be funded. If you want to reconsider supporting that proposal and unvote it, that would also help me (and others so you have to weigh this choice.)


I'll try to keep this one relatively short. Last week I published a review of progress on @v4vapp which I've been building for just over a year now and have received support from the DHF for.

I'm putting in a new proposal today which will start mid way through December (a week AFTER my current proposal ends). I'm asking for 300 HBD per day (a slight increase) and I'm asking for 6 months. I still prefer the discipline of coming back and asking again on this timescale.

Support Proposal 244 on PeakD
Support Proposal 244 with Hivesigner
Support Proposal 244 on Ecency

News posts

What's going on with V4VApp and a bit of Podping and Pingslurp News.

I will be pushing out a post explaining a new stats and monitoring site for Podping in the next day or two.

Running Systems

Spinning Plates

Nothing comes close to describing what it becomes like when you end up running multiple systems many of which you've built yourself.

I've got my site and service which has the following parts:

  • A front end website which you can see and use:
  • A behind public API which allows that site and a few other services on Hive to interface with my Lightning node
  • A Lightning Node V4VAPP Hive Bridge which runs on a cloud service.
  • A behind the scenes server which runs multiple internal systems watching both Hive and Lightning. This is the heart of my system and makes transactions bridge from Hive to Lightning. This is the part I'm working on open sourcing.
  • Some parts of this are on my github page and I'm working to take some private repos and make them public. My only hesitancy with this is my own inexperience and being super careful not to make anything public like Hive Keys. Github/brianoflondon


  • I work on the main open source HiveWriter repo with @alecksgates for the software which writes the majority of Podpings to Hive.
  • I run a specific version of this HiveWriter coupled with a tailored version of the open source Hive reader to put all @threespeak videos out as Video Podcasts.
  • A new dashboard site for Podping and the RC delegation system I'm working on.
  • An API to allow very fast retrieval of Podping information. This is somewhat duplicative of a HAF project but I've done this myself with a MongoDB and my own code for more flexibility.

Witness and Hive

  • I decided to start running a Witness node. This is an important part of being a good citizen within Hive's infrastructure world and I felt I needed the kind of understanding of this that only comes from doing it.
  • I've put in a issue for a change to Hive's core around

More Development

And when I'm not keeping all those plates above spinning I work on new parts of the system.

What I particularly need to do is learn a lot more about systems admin and automated deployment. I have a template for this which is the HiveWriter I've worked on. @alecksgates is a fantastic dev and dev ops guy and I'm learning from him a huge amount about automated testing and deployment. I hope to bring this more and more into my systems which will make them easier to pass on to others.

3rd Party Work

Right now some of the DHF funds I've received will be going to help the developer of HiveTube because he is going to be interfacing HiveTube, which is a fork of PeerTube, with Podping. This could make HiveTube the first turnkey solution to putting out livestreams with cross-app Podping notifications. I'll talk a lot more about this in the future.

I'm also still available and looking to work with other teams like @keychain and @ecency especially about bringing Lightning to their Hive wallets.

Parting words

I power up and reinvest as much of the funds I've received from the DHF as I can. I'm converting a steady stream of HBD and Hive to Bitcoin in order to restock my Bitcoin node, but beyond that most stays within Hive and is usually powered up because I fundamentally believe that Hive is an exciting future direction for technology.

I'm not looking for support from the DHF for this, but many of you know I'm also working with @apshamilton on the @jpbliberty class action case in Australia and will probably be flying to Australia next February for 2 days in court vs Google and Meta.

One more thing

And I leave you with this amusing chat which was sent to me. Charlie Monger, former Berkshire Hathaway vice Chairman is not a fan of Bitcoin or crypto.

I'm not building with a "currency that's good for kidnappers". As Charlie Monger says here "reputation is very helpful in financial life and to destroy your reputation by associating with scum balls and scam promotions is a huge mistake". His main complaint about "blockchain" seems to be this: "once you've got a good idea it's much easier to push it to wretched excess... of course it's always going to be a 'good idea', nobody is going to say I have some shit I want to sell you: BLOCKCHAIN!"

Well I'm not selling some shit. I know I'm making the world of Podcasting much more efficient whilst simultaneously keeping it censorship resistant. And I'm giving people, especially in nations with less captured banking systems, ways to use the Hive they earn directly in daily life. This is a valuable service.

So help me make more Fairy Dust for everyone.

Support Proposal 244 on PeakD
Support Proposal 244 with Hivesigner
Support Proposal 244 on Ecency

Send Lightning to Me!
