Smt hard fork testing report #2, why I've been so silent for the past month


Hello ! after about month of missing payout, being back in it for a few days then missing payout again, it looks like I'm back in payout. So I guess it's time to make a post to explain what's been going on.

I haven't been inactive during this whole period, I just haven't allocated as much time to working on it depending if I am recieving payment or not. I have actually been working on a bug with the steemit team and I can't disclose much about it yet, hence my current silence.

But I am definitely still working on it and reading the enormous codebase daily.

I am done on the create_smt and get_nai operations. And am moving onto the more interesting parts of the testing, aka using the tokens, trying to break inflation and ICOS.

Another step of testing that I want to get done is try to get some nai collisions in.

As soon as I'm allowed, I'll make an update on the bug hunt that I've been conducting over the past month, and expect to hear soon about the rest of the testing.

I am now getting a pretty good grasp of how SMT work, so if you are planning on running one, feel free to leave a comment if you have questions.

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