'Dollar' Bill Gates Explains Why Steemians are Murderers And Why We Should All Trust His Friends More Instead Of Each Other.

Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, recently stated in a Reddit 'Ask Me Anything' session that 'Cryptocurrency is... a rare technology that has caused deaths in a fairly direct way' - Erm.. really?

dollar bill

Bill Gates is someone who for some reason, a large percentage of 'intellectuals' appear to admire - if you read the comments in the rest of the AMA you will see that nearly all of them are in full support of GMO plants/foods and just make blanket-type statements along the lines of the classic 'the science is settled, GMOs are safe'. They completely ignore the reality of huge numbers of problems stemming from Monsanto - one of the corporate cronies of Mr. Gates - including extremely shady (criminal) legal practices intended to create monopoly and remove natural sources of seeds (they even have their own private army). Monsanto also effectively controls the US government in significant ways, ensuring that the 'science' that actually gets to affect policy is very much in their favour and studies that show their products are dangerous get buried. The following video, in addition to the links mentioned here already provides further insight:

We could also go on to discuss similar patterns with vaccine safety, vaccine injury and scientific fraud held up as 'settled science' when it comes to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's work with large scale vaccination programs. This is a complex topic and I am willing to go into the details if anyone asks, but be aware that I have had hundreds of debates on this topic already and it is very rare for anyone to ask or state something that I have not already addressed previously and no-one has caused me to change my position (anti-vaccine). Yes, vaccines have some measurable results in some cases, but no - they are not the best option for increasing health and no, they are not totally safe. It is a testament to the lack of honesty, critical thinking and diligence on the part of of many 'thinkers' that they will try to claim that vaccines are fully 'safe and effective', even when BILLIONS of dollars has been paid out to families of people that the industry itself fully admits died or were seriously injured as a direct result of the use of certain vaccines.

I can provide a wealth of material on this, but this short video from an early vaccine pioneer, in which he calls vaccines 'junk' - is a good introduction:

Thanks to @madevi for this insightful presentation from Micro Biologist Trevor Gunn on why Vaccines are junk science and how we have been misled:

Bill's World, Bill's World, Party Time - Excellent!

It's quite simple to predict what position Bill Gates will take on any given 'controversial' subject in advance. We simply need to find out which aspects of the issue will give corporations more power over people's lives and which will give them less power over people's lives. If the 'thing' being discussed results in more corporate power over people's lives, he will typically support it and not if it doesn't. As usual with these types of 'beings' - they twist the truth to try to cover their lies to attempt to justify their position - relying on the almost total ignorance of many people to cover up the high levels of denial and Bullshit in their ideas. Here's what Bill said about cryptocurrencies:

The main feature of crypto currencies is their anonymity. I don't think this is a good thing. The Governments ability to find money laundering and tax evasion and terrorist funding is a good thing. Right now crypto currencies are used for buying fentanyl and other drugs so it is a rare technology that has caused deaths in a fairly direct way. I think the speculative wave around ICOs and crypto currencies is super risky for those who go long.

This is remarkably similar to the position taken by world bank agents, 'illuminati bloodline' family members and their related cronies (surprise, surprise) - wherein they repeatedly level criticism at cryptocurrency that is equally applicable to the prevailing fiat currencies - but they conveniently deny that little detail because most people haven't realised yet. @fulltimegeek's upload from 'Black Child' on D.tube here covered this well.

Let's break down 'Dollar' Bill's words here one by one:

The main feature of crypto currencies is their anonymity.

Well, no - it isn't really Bill. Cryptocurrency currently cannot be used much 'in real life' without it being converted into Fiat currency which requires it to go through an exchange of some kind (that require ID) and then probably into a bank account - so nice try, but no cigar. Furthermore, the main featureS of cryptocurrency are far more than an element of anonymity - ranging from the elimination of central control from your obviously corrupt banker cronies, through to zero transaction fees and an increase of personal empowerment.

The Governments ability to find money laundering and tax evasion and terrorist funding is a good thing.

Oh, you mean like the tax evasion performed as a matter of course by the world's largest corporations - who essentially always get away paying nothing in tax? Do they do that using Cryptocurrency Bill? Do they really? ;)
(No, they don't).

Oh, terrorist funding, you say? You mean like that exposed by US Military whistleblower Scott Bennet , whereby the CIA was found to be funding ISIS directly via swiss banks (you know - that anonymous banking system in Europe?)??

Right now crypto currencies are used for buying fentanyl and other drugs so it is a rare technology that has caused deaths in a fairly direct way

Oh, you mean like US Dollars are used to buy Fentanyl? And Euros? And Blowjobs? Seems like we should ban blowjobs.

See what he did there? He tried to make cryptocurrency users responsible for drug deaths when the drugs are made by corporate interests who arguably should be in jail, are used by people who have their own free will but don't use it in a balanced way, partially through their own ignorance and having bought into the idea that 'synthetic drugs are just fine' and finally completely skipped over the reality that US Dollars are probably involved in more death than any other form of token of exchange. Next!

I think the speculative wave around ICOs and crypto currencies is super risky for those who go long.

Maybe so - but that is no different to people who invest in startups via share buying, crowd funding or just people who want to 'go long' on having enough food to eat but play poker at university.. Like you did, instead of studying (according to your own biography - as I recall). But you are probably right Bill, we should all play it safe and just let the prevailing establishment do whatever they want - afterall they are clearly the best people to be running the world, just look at all the problems being solved - from war, to famine, to drug crime - it's all been pretty much solved already, except for the annoying interruptions from cryptocurrency getting in the way.. right? lol

So, @ned, @dan, @ausbitbank, @aggroed, @drakos, @gtg, @dannyshine, @dollarvigilante, @teamsteem, @transisto, @exyle, @v4vapid, @lukestokes, @benswann, @davidpakman, @corbettreport, @pressfortruth and others here - it appears the game's up - we can expect to be sitting on death row any day now.. Best just hand ourselves in. :)

Wishing you well,

Ura Soul


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