On how the elites program the minds of detractors using reverse psychology


Take any subject / policy / ideology / coordinated mass behavior or attitude, that the left likes and the right is suspicious of. How could the elites successfully deprogram the suspicion and cynicism out of the right on this subject? Reverse psychology is a tried and tested means of successful propagandization and works especially well on a tired, beaten down, indoctrinated and demoralized population. It works this way : get a pied piper, Manchurian candidate like Trump to support this proposal/behavior/attitude. Then, get public elite spokespersons (like a Gates or some fake news empire mouthpiece like CNN) to oppose it. This psychological double whammy dissonance confuses the right-wing tribe enough that they support the proposal, since they now believe their savior likes it and their enemies hate it. Mission accomplished! Excerpt from somewhere : "On Thursday, Melinda Gates said she was "incredibly disappointed" that President Trump signed an executive order to put Americans at the front of the line for vaccines, with CNNhost Poppy Harlow calling it "vaccine nationalism."". This analysis is correct regardless of where you fall on the health efficacy of vaccines -- whether it is good or bad is not relevant to my point, since this example elucidates how mass programming works.

Let's talk about another subject -- electoral fraud. Now, libertarian anarchists and voluntaryists think of this whole concept as an oxymoron -- since an electoral democracy, in and of itself, in its purest sense, is already the fraud. So, "electoral fraud" sounds like "fraud fraud" -- which is both funny and useful to our cause. However, the elites don't care about us. They care about the restive anti-elite populists, who they believe to be somewhat not fully subservient and therefore the only political roadblock to their goal of one world government. (I am not sure why the elites worry this much and work so hard -- the right is more than happy to bend over backwards and forwards for complete ravishment and defilement by the elites). In any case, how do you get the right to either be demoralized and defeated and fully emptied of any flicker of drive or energy, or to re-create a new self-deceiving narrative of "ah, well! all's well, jolly good" and keep going on their merry way? Simple : get Trump and conservative majority of justices to give the appearance of having fought a fair fight, by all the rules and still declare that nothing happened that was not "Constitutional" (there's that magic word again!). The mission is largely accomplished -- most are demoralized, some extreme Stockholm Syndrome sufferers change the narrative from fraud to legitimacy (how can they not since their whole mixed-up worldview depends on such fictions?) and the rest that remain can continue to be enticed by brilliant 4D carrot-and-sticks like QAnon, Georgia elections, etc.

The empire is powerful and the empire wins because it controls your mind -- and not because it has nukes and Abrams. While this is bad news, this is also good news, since the defeat of the empire will come not with guns or revolution but with ideas of truth that challenge the narrative. The truth will set you free. The Truth has set us free.

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