This Is Great! CNN Is Getting ‘Non-Newsy’ With It!

Right off the bat, I would like to offer one little helpful hint to the CNN ‘reporter’ in this picture. When you are sent to a country (in this case, Syria) to what you proclaim is the site of a chemical weapons attack, it’s not a good idea to go around randomly sniffing ‘Sarin sprayed’ backpacks! It’s pretty damn dangerous. As a matter of fact, deadly. Maybe instead, you should be wearing a hazmat suit, goggles and a self-contained oxygen tank or something. When they told you to go to Syria to sniff out the story, they didn’t mean it LITERALLY.
In a live video broadcast on CNN, this ‘reporter,’ Arwa (dumbass) Damon ‘speaks with survivors of [a] suspected chemical attack.’ So, of course... It’s not enough to just ‘tell you’ about a chemical attack. We have to ‘show and prove’ that there was one, by sending in a person with no protective gear, to sniff a backpack that has been sprayed with a deadly chemical. And it’s all because we care, here at CNN.

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But of course, here is the point. This is all bullshit! This so-called ‘reporter’ knows full well that that back pack hasn’t been sprayed with any chemical weapons. In fact, I would venture to say that this video may be proof that CNN, and this idiot know full well that the assertion that there was a chemical weapons attack is a lie. Or at least that, if there was a chemical attack, it was done by certain interested parties (like maybe, the so-called ‘Syrian Rebels’ that are trying to overthrow the Assad government) who have let CNN know in advance, where to ‘sniff around’ at, and also what places not to ‘sniff around’ in.

So, this is what it has come to...

This just demonstrates again, that the propaganda masters over at CNN believe (or maybe, know) that the American populous is comprised mostly of complete imbeciles.
Next, they’ll have the U.S. Ambassador to Syria’s daughter come on the air and cry, and tell us that she witnessed Assad’s men take babies out of their incubators and leave them to die on the cold floor! Why not? It worked back in the 1990’s against Sadam Hussain in Iraq.
This is just bad acting, by Bad Actors... Literally! In this culture of non-reality ‘reality shows,’ this is just the latest sub-genre. It’s the ‘non-newsy’ news! I refuse to use the term ‘fake news.’ They have already warped the meaning of that one. The only difference here though, is that if this genre is successful, many millions of people will lose their lives.

The propaganda train rolls right along.

It’s no secret that they have been constantly beating the ‘drums’ for more war lately, over there at CNN. The powerful elite and all the usual suspects (all the multi-national companies that make billions off of war, every time it breaks out) really want this war. And boy, they want it bad!
So-called ‘news outlets’ like this one, need to be punished for their nefarious behavior. Hold back your dollars. Boycott CNN.

My goal as a child of the universe, is to inspire and spread love. If you like this post, please come back and view more of my content. Love and Peace to you. Thank you.!

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