Mainstreaming Madness

"We should not underestimate the capacity of well-run propaganda systems to drive people to irrational, murderous and suicidal behavior." - Noam Chomsky

Mainstreaming Madness

Having recently returned from an extended vacation in Europe this summer, my conclusion upon catching up on events missed while away was that the mainstream media has completely and utterly abandoned any semblance of integrity. It was just a few months ago that the corporate media was "just" promoting disinformation as factual narratives; fast forward to now and the corporate media is openly advocating anti-free speech censorship and lynch mob authoritarianism.

The news agencies are supposed to serve the public by providing objective oversight of government and society as a whole. Only when this task is fulfilled in good faith is it possible to maintain a functioning social and political order based on honesty and transparency. The corporate media has failed in this respect on all counts. The corporate media has become the megaphone of oligarchs promoting coercive collectivism and the violent suppression of informed conscientious dissent.

The corporate news media's Potemkin facade of objectivity and integrity has been utterly destroyed by its active promotion of unethical, unelected and unaccountable technocratic totalitarianism. The unequivocal in-your-face hysterics of the radical coercive collectivist corporate propaganda squads pretending to be news (and entertainment) would be laughable if the consequences weren't so dire for the population's freedom, prosperity and physical well-being. It is getting ugly.

Everything and anything factually contradictory to the coercive collectivists' desired narratives has been perfidiously labeled as "hate speech" and is being regulated out of existence by unelected and unaccountable bureaucracies with the willing complicity of the mentally enslaved masses and their government handlers. Conditioned by social media to believe conformity is security, anti-free speech advocates are digging mass graves for independent thought and individual discernment of the good.

Undermined by decades of indoctrination and Pavlovian conditioning masquerading as education, vast swathes of the population are simply incapable of recognizing, much less resisting, the existential threat that is the weaponized propaganda known as corporate mainstream media. Entrained to predictably react to emotional stimuli while rejecting the desirability or legitimacy of calm and logical argumentation, useful idiocy has become a malignant and contagious neurosis.

It is deeply disheartening to witness the willing abdication of independent thought by the zombified masses that vapidly regurgitate weaponized propaganda as a form of virtue signaling self-aggrandizement. The absolute lack of self-reflection and unwavering conviction in narratives that have little to no factual basis in reality and that trumpet a disingenuous moral superiority has become a black badge of obliviousness for the intentionally, proudly and militantly misinformed.

Mainstream corporate media, weaponized and deployed by billionaire oligarchs and government kleptocrats, has become the means to enact coercive collectivism and technocratic neo-feudal serfdom. Any who dissent from their irrational and anti-freedom hysterics are slandered, libeled, financially eviscerated and sacrificed on the altar of public humiliation to the raving ululations of its reverential marionettes that are goose-stepping society towards the graveyard of freedom.

The role of the oligarch-owned corporate media in causing this state of affairs cannot be overstated. The intentionally misinformed mob, ignorant of historical precedent and convinced of its own righteousness by a medial echo chamber of inane moral posturing, with its intolerant and extrajudicial suppression of divergent views, has rendered itself an absolute mockery of everything its claims to stand for, indeed, it has become exactly that which it claims to oppose. Hypocrites, all.


Shot with a golden arrow,

Cupid Zero
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tags: propaganda msm society politics informationwar gaslighting tyranny oligarchy

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