My Hundred follows post, what is a follower?

Let us cut through the lies and propaganda

Everyday we on a battle field call life. Most people will just shrug it off there shoulders because there situation and environment is pleasing to them. Never the less, situations arise where they get taken out of the comfort zone because of the lies and propaganda that is taken in by their or others belief system.

So if you have a good belief system you won't fail ?????
Well, i will show you how i can debunk most of the belief systems, popular belief systems, that the majority of the people on this planet follow. EXAMPLES OF THIS IS KARMA AND MOST OF US HEAR THIS TYPE OF THING IN TAUGHT MOST RELIGIONS TO. DO GOOD AND GOOD WILL FOLLOW YOU AND VICE VERSE.

Lets start by putting the idea forward that if you do good things and treat everyone in a good manner people, good things will come back to you.
WARNING: Clearly this is not necessarily the case!!!!
Here is a few things that can happen to you:
People can take advantage of your goodness by expecting you to help them with everything, even when they could have done it themselves or they didn't even attempt to help themself.
They can rob you, by you giving them to much trust, maybe even rape, kill, sell you and who knows what else?
You wife/husband can divorce you and steal your property with the help of the law. Your family could become a problem to you.
A business partner can rip you off

By just showing you one thing in most popular beliefs, I debunked centuries of false teachings.

The problem- most people like search for answers from others. Some people are already geared up to capitalize on this type of people, that's why you see those false "profits" preaching. And they came for your money and everything else that they can benefit out of you.

My advice to you - Find your own answers, you got a brain. Stop being brainwashed because you were to lazy to think for yourself.
or be pretty sure about the person you are getting your advice from, don't trust all.
I'm not saying is don't help other in need, but help those that can make sure the future is sustainable a priority.

Here a short vid of John talking about his encounters with propaganda

Quality thoughts sponsored by my brains.

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