TikTok, a harmful app that turns you into…...

TikTok, a harmful app that turns you into…


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TikTok, the app that conquered the world, could be banned in the European Union. But why? After all, what would be the real reason?

The answer is... funnier than you'd expect.

TikTok is a great app, isn't it? You can make funny videos, dance, sing, interact with other people from all over the world...

But beyond all these fun things, TikTok also has a darker side. The app collects a massive amount of user data, including:

  • Phone microphone
  • The room
  • Access to contacts
  • Location


image source pixabay.com

Yep, in general, almost all applications do this way ~ however, regarding this application, is it all against the background of a possible war?

China in general has a poor reputation for respecting human rights and privacy. Well, in theory, China could use your data to track you, manipulate you, or even spy on you.

For example, if TikTok knew where you live, it could use that information to send you personalized ads. Or, if TikTok knew what videos you watch, it could use that information to create a psychological profile of you.

  • Well, so far the phenomenon sounds familiar!!! I think that we are all used to and of course aware of what the vast majority of applications in the entire web universe are capable of.


image source pixabay.com

Of course, there's always the chance that your data could be compromised and end up in the hands of malicious people

TikTok is a fun app, but it's important to be aware of the risks involved. Decide for yourself what is more important to you: fun or privacy.


image source pixabay.com

What do you think about TikTok ~ is it a harmful, risky app? If so ~ In general, how can you protect yourself from these risks?

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