Wahala Eternal (WOTW S5W2)

Wahala represents a state of being. In Nigeria, the word originates primarily with the Yoruba ethnic group and means "problem" or "trouble". Yet the word itself has Arabic origins from the word "wahla". Here, wahla means "fright" or "terror."

From Arabian regions to Nigeria, the meaning of words shift depending upon the people who speak them. Problems can be terrifying depending on their significance. Solutions to problems can generate further wahla or wahala depending on its effects. No matter the situation, wahala experienced by even the gods could spell doom for those that worship them.



Alaafin of the Oyo Kingdom

Devian Art: Shango, King of the Drums and Thunder by Shango-ThunderStones

Born as the fourth Alaafin of the Oyo Kingdom, Shango possessed the powers of a god of magic, thunder, and lightning. His very name meant "to strike". He wielded these powers against his detractors indiscriminately as his purpose was to rule over the Oyo Kingdom when his turn came to pass. Shango lived his life while experiencing wahala in every corner. Women wanted him, and men wanted to be like him. Desires for his office brought untold dangers to each day he lived.

Yet, as any mortal or deity exists, so true dangers to their existence exist, for no being is exempt from the state of death. It comes to all regardless of their power. In an attempt to turn suspicious officers against one another, a local chiefton thwarted Shango's efforts and caused a loss of followers for Shango's reign. To escape his mortal coil, Shango may have taken his own life to transcend the mortal realm.

Welcome to the Season 5, Week 2 (S5W2)!
Who are the virtuous winners of Week 1!


'Virtues of the fallen' WOTW Winners!

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Image by luvmybry from Pixabay

1ST@samsmith1971The Enemy Without, The Enemy Within100 POB
2ND@erh.germanyTalking about virtues By not talking about Them. WOTW challenge accepted!70 POB
3RD@mineopolyThe Taxman's Sheep50 POB
4TH@liftslikealadyBe Careful What you Wish For.......Patience30 POB

Public Merit System Grading

Thank you to everyone who participated!
How did everyone perform?


Merit System Results

Grading Criteria

Grading Criteria.PNG


Virtues of the Fallen.PNG




WOTW Team Appreciation

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

NameReasonAmount (POB)
@nonsowritesGrading Assistance, User Engagement100 POB
@calumamProject Dev, Grading Assistance100 POB


Contest Rules

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

This will get you disqualified
  • Plagiarism as specified by Plagiarism.org.
  • #POB-WOTW or #VYB-WOTW tag abuse (using the tag on non-related contest articles)
  • Trolling or spam.
  • Writing about next week's word.
Helpful Hints
  • Include the selected word in your article
  • Only one article submission per user
  • Include the #pob-wotw or #vyb-wotw tag (it's how we find your article)
  • Use any front end.
  • This week's contest starts 27/2/22 @ 00:00 UTC
  • This week's contest ends 14/3/22 @ 00:00 UTC

New Users - Recommended Articles


The Word for S5W2

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The Word for THIS week (S5W2) is: WAHALA

The Word for next week (S5W3) is:



Do you know about @psyberx land sales?

Image by Computerizer from Pixabay

@psyberxpsyberxAMA Recording with Timestamps - 20 February 2022
Psyber X Land Sale - "Founder Starter Kits" Are Live!
Surprise Thank You!...and First Day of Founder Starter Kits Sales Results

The Psyber X community is progressing nicely towards their goal. Land sales are up for grabs and almost 1000 plots have been sold at this time. Hurry now before prices increase 3 fold!

We invite the gaming community to participate in our word of the week! We look forward to your entries in the word of the week contest!


Honorable Mention

Holy Nonentity - @alekst7

@alekst7 brings a special article to our attention through his presentation entitled "Holy Nonentity". Thank you, as always, for your participation in the contest. I apologize for missing this article in my final screening.

Best wishes for Alekst7 and his family as they are currently in the Ukraine during these trying times.


In Closing

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Thanks to the community for supporting our fellow authors. I look forward to providing more in the future. Thank you for reading and following on throughout my Hive journey.

Welcome to our new and recurring participants to the contest! We look forward to challenging and entertaining you in the future!

If you like this article, please consider upvoting and following @scholaris!

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