Be Careful What you Wish For.......Patience

All momma monkey wanted was to be a good mother to her little brood of monkeys. Before any of her little monkeys came to be, she prayed for patience as she knew this would make her a good mother. Praying for patience is a dicey proposition. In order to learn patience and to become more patient, you must be tried and tested in order to develop the virtue. Nevertheless, momma monkey prayed for it anyway.


Through the years, she was tried and tested. Tests came in the form of taking a breath while she was frustrated with her baby monkeys. There were times of little or no sleep in which she must function as a mother and be a good mom despite her edginess from fatigue. Teething monkeys teach you to be more understanding as they are going through pain that they can't articulate.
There were so many lessons that were small: baby steps preparing her for the big tests that would come her way. They would occur less often but would require what she had learned to get through the big tests.


One such occurrence happened one day as her little Brigham monkey wandered into the pantry unbeknownst to momma monkey. Momma monkey was folding banana leaf diapers when she noticed that the jungle was incredibly quiet. One thing that young mothers know is that quiet, although dreamed about and wished for, is never good. She put down her pile of diapers and went searching through their jungle home.

She checked the little jungle kitchen, but no Brigham monkey. She checked the lounging area of the tree canopy, but no Brigham monkey there either. Then, she decided to check the little room where momma monkey taught her little monkeys about jungle life. It was the little school room. She moved the vines aside only to reveal the biggest mess she had ever seen. Mouth agape, she could only stare at the wonder of the chaos. Little Brigham monkey had smeared and coated almost every surface of the room with jungle nutella. Jungle nutella is comprised of banana and nutella which is made especially for monkeys. In the room, little Brigham monkey sat bare in the middle of his creation.


The floor showed smears and prints of jungle nutella. The walls of the tree had been coated in messy swaths of the nutella as Brigham had climbed around the room. Her lesson materials had been drawn on with the nutella as well. How could one small monkey make such a mess in such little time? They say there were two things that saved little Brigham monkey that day: the innocent smile on his face and the memory of a prayer for patience from long ago.


All momma monkey could do was start laughing at the absurdity of the moment. She scooped up Brigham monkey in her arms and started the clean-up before their little jungle home was infested with ants.

I hope you enjoyed. This was my first post for the WOTW. The monkey pics are mine.

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