E10-How to stay on top of any Artificial Intelligence

People who don't understand each other, allow artificial superiority

Why is the false inner voice now dominant in most people's heads? Why is science more interested in getting more efficient in M-applying manipulation than in modeling relations truths to O-consider it to become responsible for the M/O-balance we attribute to paradise?

Because since the Fall, mankind's masters, do not recognize that
M / O = STRESS < DEATH, which points to a H2-higher order than any man-made one, which points to an almighty Creator, and that their divide-to-rule order's mass-attractivity could be indoctrinated as being more desirable than paradise - because it allows playing God in the name of freedom from any higher power's order! Instead of understanding the former based on experience, the latter requires pimp-dealers to offer you short-term 'safety' against the risk of personally relevant responsibility in their wordy MATRIX of a personally neutral language of their promises, in return for unconditional long-term obedience evoking self-destruction. The rest it the terrible human history now at the abyss of humanity's self-destruction! Here is an account of the context before the present Ukraine War:

Check yourself:
Your OPTION I conditioned mental operating system might turn out to you be more interested in the above, revealing but non-committing video, than in the larger context in what follows pointing to your inner OPTION II and how it can still emerge beyond the seemingly superior OPTION I of this world...

The Greek writer of history Polybius (146-246 BC) served as a military adviser to the Roman General Scipio Africanus the Younger. He explained why Rome with its constitution achieved almost the power of the then known world and achieved it with its system of checks and balances of mass-attractivity towards the known OPTION I world. video than in the larger context in what follows pointing to your inner OPTION II and how it can still emerge beyond the seemingly superior OPTION I of this world...|

The Greek writer of history Polybius (146-246 BC) served as a military adviser to the Roman General Scipio Africanus the Younger. He explained why Rome with its constitution achieved almost the power of the then- known world and achieved it with its system of checks and balances of mass-attractivity towards the known OPTION I world. He identified three types of intellect-based institutions: monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy. He realized that these three forms of organizing systems are inadequate in themselves. That has led the human intellect to its 12-level hierarchy described below with its zeitgeist mix of checks and balances to prevent civil wars. The Old Testament God intervened when King David began to experiment with it beyond the O-orientation to be considered introduced with the 10 Commandments. In DEFIANCE to God, King Salomo embodied David's M-manipulative attempt, to become the curse of Israel, which Jesus lifted. Then the intellectual empire, the TRAP of the Scribes>Herod-Pilate>mislead PEOPLE, in fear SUPPRESSING what PREceeded it, uncivilized barbarians like the terrorist who was pardoned instead of Jesus, and even more those who, like the former after John the Baptist who wanted to TRANScend the self-destructive intellectual trap of the false intellectual trinity, stroke back! They had Jesus crucified, thus digging their own grave into which 70 AD more than a million Jews fell in the cause of the destruction of The Temple in Jerusalem.

Historically speaking, you can know, that modern society AVOIDS the O-side of the picture, in its increasing M-technology, JEALOUS of the CREATOR's superior order beyond human's manipulative intellect. Also, we can know of sufficient evidence of how monarchy with its empires (check the Book of Daniel in the Bible) degenerated into tyranny versus temple (Ancient Egypt), aristocracy into palaces' oligarchy, and democracy into people's mob rule. Lord Acton wrote, “All power tends to corrupt; [and] absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely”, the basics of which is M/O=STRESS<DEATH addressed in its meaning in the conclusion of this paper

This degeneration through the accumulation of too much power can be intellectually checked by a mixed constitutional system consisting of top-down

  • The TEMPLE (The Roman Pontifex Maximus was followed by the Pope, emancipated by the reformation, the media ,and the preamble of constitutions)
    -The PALACE (The Romans had two chief magistrates, i.e. Consuls, so that even the monarchical principle was divided)
  • The PEOPLE (Rome’s aristocratic rulers were contained in the Roman Senate; the power of the people was found in the tribunes who summoned and led the popular assemblies and held the power of veto over the Roman Senate)

In the meantime,

  • the Constitution of the USA (1787), has implemented Polybius' advice with monarchy (the White House), aristocracy (originally in the Senate), and democracy (in the House of Representatives) pretending to represent the people. All of these elements of check and balance serve to prevent the emergence of an all-powerful individual or ruling body. Under OPTION I this is the perfect system, but let us face it, the media, Hollywood, social media, Billionaires, NGO's and International bodies* play beyond those 3 powers as the 4th power now eroding the USA as the gamekeepers of the ZG-zeitgeist. Since Nov. 24. 2016, triggered by the non-political Donald Trump becoming US-President, this global web of think-systems collapsed into the AGE OF DISRUPTION which on August 18, 2022, has evolved to end of intellectual humanism in the post-humanism of denying humanity the right to go on existing, exemplified by Putin in terms of Ukraine.

  • The outstanding Swiss Constitution (1848) has its

    • Sovereign in the name of its preamble (in the name of God Almighty, and the Swiss 'EXODUS' from the evil of the European power games ('Arglist der Zeit' - in its foundation of 1291), as its Citizens and Cantons who define the power given to the Federation, as its 'temple' system,
    • it's Executive (the 7 Federal Ministers ruling in consensus) as its 'palace', and its
    • 2 chambers of parliaments, similar to the USA, representing the 'people and the *Cantons".

The Swiss problem lies, like in all democracies, in the growing power of this world, mass-attractivity of the ZG-Zeitgeist. It can corrupt system users, those who represent it, or elect the latter, to the degree they have sold their e-soul and g-spirit to give meaning to their OPTION II, to mass-attractivity as the measure of all things.

  • Polybius, part of the Roman system accordingly aimed at the prevention of PRE-violent cycle of revolutionary upheaval or civil war, in the interest of the rules.
  • The arrogant post-humanist 4th power of our days, is far more concerned with inhibiting with all their global means, any TRANScending of their thinking-catastrophes in M/O=STRESS<DEATH ignorance of the unavoidable human catastrophes they evoke to maintain their TRAP which makes the palace govern against people’s substantial interests. That is how the elite, on more and more levels, by making the separation of power a farce, together with bureaucrats and lackeys, all conditioned by the dominant OPTION I centerd ideologies, enhanced in the press and universities, can so far go on in business as usual. As cultural tyranny grows, the system defies corrections that would serve the people better. Abuses and illegalities are beginning to appear more openly. Multi-crises get evoked, violence replaces understanding, rule of law is twisted by autocrats. All of this already contributed to the fall of the Roman Republic, its succeeding empire and are now virulent also in the USA, and more subtle even in Switzerland which shares its living space with global zeitgeist institutions.
For your interest I have asked an advanced AI bot:
How can I best position myself in the world with its superior intellectual artificial intelligence (AI)which simply models just language of the topics, it has received data (far from real humans which are NO topics of its designers)** Here is AI's admittedly polite personally neutral answer: "It is impossible for me to provide specific advice on how you can position yourself in the world, as I am an AI language model and do not have personal experience or knowledge of your individual circumstances. However, there are a few general tips that might be helpful for you to consider as you navigate your place in the world:
  • Identify your goals and values: Understanding what you want to achieve and what is most important to you can help you make decisions and take actions that align with your priorities.

  • Develop your skills and knowledge: Investing in your own personal and professional development can help you build the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in your chosen endeavors.

  • Network and build relationships: Building strong relationships with others can help you create opportunities and find support as you work towards your goals.

  • Stay positive and resilient: Maintaining a positive attitude and being resilient in the face of challenges can help you stay focused and motivated as you pursue your goals.

  • Remember, it's important to be true to yourself and to stay true to your truly innate values and beliefs as you navigate your place in the world."

Compare its answer to what existential intelligence can give you as personally relevant. Realize that the bot admittedly in fairness, as well as the divide to rule arrogant intellect, is as ignorant, impotent to manifest what the above words in italic indicate! Become aware how Calvin's statement "God is God", according to the above bot, is "a statement that affirms the divinity and supremacy of God. It suggests that God is the ultimate being, the creator and sustainer of all things, and the one who is worthy of worship and adoration. The phrase can be used in a variety of contexts, such as in religious teachings or as a way to express faith and belief in God. It is often used to emphasize the idea that God is sovereign and all-powerful, and that his will and plan are higher than anything else in the world." Replace "God" with "church" "zeitgeist", "philosophy" "elite", "politics", "invisible hand of the market", "Xi Jinping" and so on, and you get the template for self-, and spin-doctoring, other-marketing, and branding that overwrites your X-existence up to that of the Creator in weak spirits minds.

I e-experience DEFIANCE (the bot above being more polite than the arrogant intellectual elite with its hidden agenda - which future bots will eventually replace after dictionaries and Wikipedia) against my substantial OPTION II like a dam against my further k-embodiment of my g-spirit. Besides, getting emotional about getting my X-substance disrupted, wastes my accumulating energy for the next step in B5-life fulfillment. I prefer to work out the B4-truth which allows my next move, then to make it operational via parameterization. That can require to reframing the relevant part of my APS-App's modeling relationship truths - to get more straightforward, precise, and transparent in its application, now on the level of the following phases to make OPTION II reproducible for YOU, with goodwill to

1) Consider YOUR model of your unconscious incompetent conditioned way of life in the disrupting world without OPTION II
Can make you realize how you have become other-determined and divided from your X-created self to be ruled under OPTION I's mass-attractivity as the measure of all things. That loss promotes arguing about it to sublimate the remaining part of the problem such as exemplified in Dorian Gray by Oscar Wild and The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis.

Here are my exemplary parameters without those of my OPTION II X-existence
which alone keeps it together to be fulfilled - which the OPTION I world inhibits at all costs by PRE-TRANS-TRAPping people into replaceable 'human people', its intellectual construct:
When I introduce myself with my part of the solution by Bp-preparing B-boundary conditions to apply my g-spirit, I am met by JEALOUSY) of those who have given in to the ZG-zeitgeist to inhibit my k-embodiment of my spirit in their OPTION I organizations, e.g. the 3 organized faculties of science, united just in inhibiting the 4th faculty used here. Having failed to make myself useful in this world with personally relevant relationship truth (:), washed away by mass-attractive topics (...), I become G-guilty in the OPTION II blind eyes of the world, tempted to become judgemental (seeking my share of +2 pleasurable power, -4 against stumbling blocks). Getting stuck in also AVOIDING problems in JEALOUSY) of the seeming easy-going of others, I would become affected by %1-politically 'more' correct %6-projections than my X-existence with my part of the solution. This could demean my e-soul's inner experience to the point of me [SUPPRESSING my conscience, left in A-Anger with my ?0-illusionary x3-ego, i.e. my part of the problem!

Remember, your worldly sequence entails the same parameters, just in another order, resulting in another equally self-destructive story when your OPTION II remains missing! Here is an example of what I pointed out to someone:

In defending your defiance to protect what you have, seemingly under your control, PREceeding opening up for SYNERGY, you may have learned to maintain EUSTRESS in this TRAP. That makes you human - at the prize of becoming impotent of L2-'timely-exchange of competence' in SYNERGY to TRANScend, what otherwise such a PRE-TRANS-TRAP, i.e. closed on itself, defying TRANS (fulfillment as part of the solution) more than PRE (deception of self, manipulation, disruption, crimes and worse), like denotational words, means, self-destruction! *Birds of that feather are dependent on flocking together in the ZG-zeitgeist with similar ones, e.g. sheople who can be instrumentalized by the ZG-speakers, experts, politicians, con-artists and other elites, gurus, and spin doctors; those who divide to rule, meanwhile most of mankind as part of the problem of its increasing self-destruction.

2) Allow what YOU, like we all have been given as unconscious competence
Remember, you have been created with, such as me with e-soul for inner experience, a g-spirit to translate the former into your k-body, or in one of the other possible sequences e.kg, g.ek - g.ke, k.eg - k.ge:
  • The Judaic Christian religion, Israel, the USA, and like-minded real humans, like Moses, work with e.gk (like me - because of X-me, not because I was raised as a Christian)
  • Switzerland has an e.kg mentality expressed in the preamble of its constitution of allowing the e-experience of its k-organization left to people's g-spirits in its Direct Democracy based on the principle of subsidiarity which has eventually allowed an outstanding peaceful living together of the 6 possible ideologies in a willful confederation, rather than a one-ideology nation. This e.kg ideology also applies to Adolf Hitler as introduced in his book "Mein Kampf".

Let it be said, no k-e-g ideology is as such good or evil; the latter as such unless when an individual aspires to become, what the Chinese call a 'Hexin', one with a nation (now officially Xi Jinping in China, such as former Pharaoh in Moses' time, Sun-king Louis XIV in France, Hitler, Putin)

  • Islam works with k.ge (k-embodying Allah's g-spirit in people's e-experience). My wife, also raised as a Christian, active in the International Protestant Church, has k.ge mental order, while I reduced my involvement with mere e.gk ideologies

  • Wladimir Putin is now stuck in his k.eg ideology of wanting to k-embody his former e-experience in the Evil Empire of the Soviet Union, in his g-spirit. The same applies to Xi Jinping in his Chinese context of aiming for himself to reinstal Mao's superior power and beyond! This k.eg ideology also applies to Germany, and to the Swiss popular politician Christoph Blocher (reframing from getting ONE with Switzerland, rather serving its constitution beyond the evil spirit of the time)

  • intellectual-materialistic Marxism, Artificial Intelligence: With g.ke aiming for the (intellectually insubstantial) g-spirit of making people k-embody the desired e-(of anti-capitalist-communist) experience of the party's elite.

  • Hedonism, Buddhism: With g.ek using the (anything goes) g-spirit to e-experience the k-body at will or in peace...

... and so on... Do you realize what '666'-Bable-confusions mere ideological religions have evoked? Don't you think the time has come to acknowledge your inner e,g with the outer k-life in the personally relevant way your Creator has meant it for YOU to fulfill

3) OPTION I arouses your conscious competence in the acquisition of what you want
It began with the Israelite dancing around the Golden Calf behind Moses' trying to make it possible to live beyond what you have been given by God the Creator with your k-e-g in your order, to interact in this world. Your e-motions allow that, in the T-TENSION to acquire the power to grab the desired possession, the A-ANGER to force the issue beyond the initial ego-centric failure despite the increasing conscious G-GUILT, and in need for GRACE to get your X-existence restored before the point of otherwise NO return.

There are 8 ways to substantiate e-emotions to which the despised 10 Commandments prepare people. They have led to the traditional 8 family roles after the fall of

  • Father-Mother/tradition with position power and definition power
  • 1st Son-1st Daughter/succession in ruling position and with values
  • 2nd Son-2nd Daughter/outer and inner alternative, and
  • 3rd Son-3rd Daughter/initiative, networking

This has provided the basis for society until the French revolution, intellectually enhanced in the antique Empires beyond the basic Master-Slave rule by law of POSSESSION, up to money, the precondition for freedom from power, and increasingly with the 12-levelt intellectual HIERARCHY with the possession of its abstract titles in the institutions of virtually artful #0 TEMPLES#0 > personally-neutral#2 denotational wordy PALACES#2 > content-free#1, busy with delivering quantities, instrumentalizing the laws of nature towards technology-minded PEOPLE#1. As above all in temples-media > palaces-politics > people-business each institution#0 >#2 > #1 has 4 basic roles; top-down, PRIEST#0 > MASTER#2 > WORKER#1, and last but not least, PROPHET#3 (as a seemingly disposable religious 'relict' from which the insubstantially abstract intellect, has emancipated after the DARK AGE. So, after the 'divine' papal and nobility hierarchies, those since the Age of the ENLIGTHENMENT, are still without any institution#3 except some fake esoteric gurus. Former slaves, and serfs, are now called proletarians, workers, employees, people, sheople still left alone, and not understood in their X-existence' conscience#3 (denounced as subjective, irrelevant in modern, and the present post-modern globally disrupting society with mass-attractivity as the measure of all things).

Under this OPTION I the conscious competence mutates into that about other-determined self-destruction, and the e-motion stuck in G-guilt about the seeming unavoidable destiny at the abyss, to proceed a step further in the ZG-zeitgeist, with an increasing need for grace, in the underprivileged ones, which have had enough of learning to live the hard way, such as, traditionally used to, Russians in their suppressive suicide wars. In short, wherever people cannot be part of any solution, despite all their possessions, they ARE in an OPTION I PRE-TRANS-TRAP with what they HAVE; instead of an OPTION II e-relationship to their X-substance with a g-spirit to fulfill them-X-self, they have a Post-Traumatic-Syndrom Mental Deficiency. With it, you cannot become ready to even consider the OPTION II precondition to becoming part of the solution you have been created for.

In short, it is time for you to
1) consider your inner film about what limits your OPTION II, and to
2) take the responsibility with a relevant trailer,
3) its title, to be able to ask for help with YOU, part of the diagnosis and the healing!

Only under those conditions are you no longer dependent of so-called OPTION I experts of the sort which will increasingly be outsourced by bots! Then in the above way in touch with YOUR OPTION II, taking part of the responsibility for eustress in a relationship with an OPTION II qualified trustworthy human, rather than an OPTION I titled, or simply mass-attractive pimp. Then it makes sense for you to open up to e-experience after yours, the OPTION II of others towards what, in synergy, that can mean for the healing of your OPTION I PTSD-trauma. The OPTION I alternative is as part of its self-destruction in your 4 disruptors of T-DEFIANCE, V-SUPPRFESSION, and A-AVOIDANCE ending in E-JEALOUSY; the existential opposite of SYNERGY in EUSTRESS which alone reveals the B4-TRUTH on your chosen path of B5-LIFE.

4) There is Life beyond having accepted the ultimate failure of OPTION I
It is NOW time you understand that under OPTION I, mankind has been condemned since known history to live for the ultimate thinking catastrophe organized in systems based on terms of possession expressed by words that float in the zeitgeist detached from personally relevant relationship truths.

This bottom line of the ultimate negation of the Creator leaves mankind to disrupt HIS CREATION and thereby itself (based on the glass half empty), instead of living substantially. This has led to the rat race for mass-attractivity, the ultimate nonsensical madness. What, by all reason, once you realize this, is left, is opening up for YOUR unconscious competence of fulfilling your life as your substantial OPTION II, i.e., with your innate part of the solution (based on the glass half full - in belief, of allowing to grow sufficient understanding)

5) Once you are ready to stand up beyond the OPTION I disruption by the 8 dark inner insubstantial evil voices (in the glass half empty)
YOU will grow to allow the application of existential intelligence - readily available for YOU with the one to be identified out of 1728 possible principles of lifefulfillment.

The scope of the otherwise insubstantial intellectual culture, led by humans with artificial, seemingly superior power beyond the existential intelligence to deal with the consequences of divide-to-rule hierarchies still prevails since antiquity with

  1. an exclusively person-neutral mass-attractive comprehension towards the M-manipulation of the so-called objectivity of the Creator, and of his Creation, with all the Creatures, up to oneself by employing communication-command-control towards defying substance by empires...

  2. With c3 people can D1-DEFY each other applying denotational words (with a personally neutral T-tense polarization between acting C3-based human entities in their personally relevant one out of 9 live-function F1-9 and the context of the corresponding one out of 16 social impact dimensions) in the rat race after mass attractivity towards evicting substance with nationalism...

  3. With demeaning the O=C3-existential orientation with M=c3-mass-attractive manipulation by dividing F19 from the BPOC-context (B-boundary conditions, P-processes, O-objectivs, C-Communication) to rule people, ultimately, NOBODY can understand ANYBODY existentially! Thus, people turn to E-evicting each other behind their fig leaves, covering up their failure resulting from uprooting each other from their C3-origin. Void of their C3-lifefulfilling functions in the disrupting c3-context of demeaning the relationship truths, that relinquish taking personally relevant responsibility for maintaining eustress in co-existing, people degenerate in avoiding substance with INTER-national socialism.

  4. What follows is the escalation from D1-defiance (triggered by ?0-illusionary mass-attractive x3-ego-survival) to E2-eviction (striving for +2 more of the same lust, -4 avoiding stress), to A3-avoidance (of %1-political correctness with its disrupting %5-manipulation) of anything substantial towards J4-jealousy (attempting to %6-project a ZG-zeitgeist hype*) of each other's power, escalating to self- and other-destruction with these four D1-E2-A3-J4 mutating disruptors towards ultimately avoiding substance with a reset towards post-humanism, denying real human being and "humans" the right to exist as they have become the greatest enemy for life on Earth; the solution negating the cause for the problem.

  5. With the temperament of mutating escalation of the D1=>E2A3J4 disruptors, our culture D1-defies any relationship truth, E2-evicts every meaningfully compelling expression, A3-avoids any control of upcoming M-manipulators lacking O-substantial orientation about the collateral damage, and rather promotes ignorance about
    M / O = STRESS < DEATH leaving humanity in distress and worse, T-tensely assuming once piece of M-manipulation power, up to A-anger when T-diplomacy fails, with harder means, J-jealous of each other's tricks to pass the bucket of G-guilt to less powerful ones to maintain once thus shrinking comfort zone, thus fragmenting humanity void of the necessary eustress as the precondition for synergy, now at the abyss of self-destruction, intellectually formatted mind ready to 'progress', i.e. evolve further towards posthumanism.

Free after Jacques Monod: The intellectual's wordy universe is not pregnant with life nor the biosphere they describe with 'humans', inhabited by real human lifefulfilling platforms; their destiny came up in a Monte Carlo game in which they are in a rat race for c3-mass-attractivity, the cultivated OPTION I since its science, philosophically formatted in its organized 3 out of 4 faculties was introduced; never mind its handicapping of human life.

What is GOOD, and what is TRUE?
That is what philosophers seem to have been asking without daring any answer, except that YOU should philosophize likewise. They seemingly had great thoughts to make themselves more or less mass-attractive. Some half of them are still alive glorifying the deceased ones who in their wordy TRAPs were ignorant of what we now know. Now where humanity seems to mutate into a culture PREceding and humanity, it is your turn not to end up in that way, of what we will end up in PRE-TRANS-TRAPS!

It is Time to TRANScend OPTION I with your OPTION II

This paper is about the timely emancipation from this vicious circle of the

  • faculty#0 led temples with anything-goes expressions convincing people to live as human sheople, under the personally 'human'
  • faculty#2's rule of palaces so-called humanities, the science of 'divide to rule' the people making use of
  • faculty#1 with its quantitative sciences of nature to efficiently provide the quantities of things required by the temples, (after the religions, the media with its spin doctors), and palaces (after the nobility of empires, the politicians of nations, and the managers of global companies, and mafia structure) to maintain the rule of the sheople (after slaves, soldiers, citizens, workforce, consumers). The latter get the carrot to overcome the stick with the possibility to make a career on the 12-rung intellectual hierarchy, Bottom-up in the traditional
  • 3 institutions of people#1 < palance#2 < temple#0, in each with the
  • 4 roles of prophets#3 to false (OPTION I ones) < workers#1 < masters#2 <priests#0

Among others, recently, Elon Musk realized the dead end of OPTION I with its littering the inner space of born real human beings to make them self-destructive 'humans'. He is about to work out escape as his insubstantial option II, not quite to heaven, just to Mars; for a rerun of OPTION I history from scratch but with OPTION I high-tech. This approach has been dealt with by Isaac Asimov, the father of science fiction to the extent, that robots had to prevent humanity from self-destruction by replacing superior humans who tried to replace 'God', challenged by the devils Beelzebub strategy, the theology which in literature, replaced the Creator, among others also of the OPTION I and II of giving personally relevant to our X-being's meaning of our life.

Musk has already begun littering outer space with his money-creating technologies to get the platform ready for his option II. This could produce so much space junk, to the point it will be hardly any more possible to come safely into space - after his crowd is on Mars, leaving mankind in an enclosed space to its self-destruction in its internal garbage of thinking catastrophes, with the external collateral damage of the unavoidable human catastrophes. After the 2nd world war, the prototypes for self-destruction evolved in the area of the former Soviet, and the Maoist 'Evil Empires'. Now the former began to collapse in 1990, the civil wars to settle that matter suppressed are now breaking out under Putin's thinking catastrophe. From that experience, like the Nazis from the Spanish civil war, China plans to become the superpower over the USA (close to civil war) axis by intellectually disrupting Europe; by all means, with technology as the battleground, until 2049. "China takes the lead from collective leadership to autocracy, from governing term limits to lifetime leadership, from performance to loyalty, from private sector to state sector, from wealth to shared prosperity, from globalization to technical self-reliance", said Richard McGregor of Australia's Lowy Institute. Ultimately, he said, "coexistence between China and the USA has also become "confrontation."

Obviously, under this insubstantial PRE-TRANS-TRAP of the intellectually 'intelligent' OPTION I, now with its pseudo-artificially-intelligent option II, its self-destructive dynamics cannot be overcome with all its M-manipulation possibilities. The devil cannot be cast out with Beelzebub, as all intellectual zombies in distress, try to evoke the Phoenix to rise out of its ashes. It needs the O-orientation to the relational truths of real human systems so that the involved real human beings finally learn to take the necessary responsibility for Eustress in their living space as a prerequisite for the sufficient synergy with their inner OPTION II, open beyond OPTION I. For this purpose I founded the 4th faculty of Applied Personal Science in 1980: It is based on 1728 personally relevant open-ended-generative principles out which one to be identified, to do justice to every each real human being, relationships or collectives of them. Neither names, tags, titles nor ideologies under OPTION I, can save your soul (ability to experience yourself)!

Please check the following links to the operationalization of the 4th faculty with Applied BoldPersonal Science©, and the thus in the following further discussed application:

Get 'Touched by an Angel':
In this video series, the appearance of angels, usually as F7-influential Tess, F5-entrepreneurial Monica, and F2-doing Andrew help people emancipate from those 3 functions occupied by the 4 disruptors, symbolically almost like your 16 essential states of being that maintain your OPTION II. I will now go on to show you how they can be parameterized by APS based on who you X-basically are. Then get an idea of the nine F1-9 existential life functions, and the basic parameters mnemonics before proceeding to relevant examples of human systems.



Humanity has gained access to M-Manipulation using the biggest source of energy

  • FUSION of atoms, that which makes the sun shine, with the ultimate temperamental disruption of elementary matter (such as Hydrogen atoms) to re-group in other elements with the highest energy yield. On a social level, the ultimate disruptions are INTER-National-socialist religions and ideologies, together with multi-national enterprises whith the 4 disruptors up to H-bombs, so that nations have disrupted to regroup, at last after two world wars, and is now at the abyss of the third...

  • FISSION with 3-4 times less matter turned into energy (such as Uranium in a chain reaction of decaying atom cores). On a social level, greedy competition to cannibalize Earth...(TAG-Emotions - nationalism, without G-X grace ending in atomic energy production with its pollution of radioactive material, or A-bombs, and that, using millions less matter (Uranium) than

  • CHEMICAL ENERGY with processes of rearranging the electrons in molecules' reframing. On a social level, the stress energies in relationships lack mutual understanding, transforming higher to a lower form of matter (e.g. burning wood to ashes, killing life for food, i.e. increasing entropy, increasing disorder).

  • GRAVITATIONAL - potential energy in states of matter (hot steam to cooler liquid, and so on) ** ranging from mudslides, avalanches, floods, hydro-electric power stations, and various gun-type weapons of changing potential to mechanical energies without loss of matter or energy.

That is why humanity has to catch up with the ability to O-account for the orientation to control eustress in M-applying manipulation with energies,

for M / O = STRESS < DEATH.

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