E01-Existential Intelligence for Life entrepreneurs near the point of NO return

‘Game' of Life Theory on the Existential Level

applied to the substantial Introduction Topic of real human beings
by Applied Personal Science Dr. Peter Meier, Zürich

As a human with my created eg.)k unconscious competence, I am aware how DEFIANCE) affects my innate three existential parts of e-soul's EXPERIENCE (in turmoils in preferring healthy !-substantiating encounters) of my g-spirit (requiring decisions, preferring integrating J-determination) in my k-body (in incorporating research meaningfully, c-profiling inferior arguing to resolve demeaning issues):

In the context of man-made organized culture and science, my A.TG consciously competent emotional awareness of my life makes me A-ANGRY (to retreat, giving in to be able to break out) when my T-tension (confronting what otherwise becomes detrimental for giving meaning) about the experienced G-guilt (making me gentle to get across by caring) about the inadequacy of my dealing with the man-made, OPTION I platforms disrupting living and working together. This has made me long for the grace of growing in my X-existence to not get sucked under OPTION I.

This is preparing all humans to first the others, then their own unconscious incompetent 4 disruptors of T) DEFIANCE, AE(AVOIDANCE-JEALOUSY, and V: SUPPRESSION.

Other- and/or Self-determined g-spirit an its impact on one's life

Image 1: X-existence, k-embodiment, h-living space, e-soulful inner experience, g-spiritual knowledge work

Abbreviations make the expression of relationship truth easy:
In the following you can learn how X and all the other abbreviated concepts can be understood; beyond personally neutral, limiting words. So, to beginn with, X stands for the to be identified existence. Each thus tagged word points to such a corner stone, with the tag used as a challenge for you to deepen your understanding of what it stands for in the larger context of fundamental relationship truths; beyond the general wordy denotations#2 floating in the ZG-Zeitgeist.

Take physics, part of faculty#1 as an example: It begins with F-force, leading to the bottom line of content-free#1 mechanics in the universe. The faculty#0 of anything goes art, among others creates mnemonically useful symbol systems. The faculty#2 of science produces convincing personally neutral ideologies#2, above all wordy philosophy. It tends to displace any reference to any stumbling-blocks challenging it's hidden agendas. It is only the

  • content-free faculty#1 about the laws of nature, and the
  • still suppressed faculty#3 about the personally relevant laws of life-fulfillment which I introduce here, that point to fundamental cornerstones that cannot be manipulated in their meaning like all words by disrupting their meaning#2 e.g., with artful rhetoric#0 by humans attempting misuse communication in order to displace the grave consequences of such misuse for hidden agendas!
  • in contrast, faculty#1 aims at modelling the quantitative relations in the universe, in the economy and ecology, in finance, sociology, and governance in M-applying the thus desirable manipulation knowledge. Als this including morality is necessary, however, not sufficient:

Born Nov. 5 1944, 5 months after the invasion of Normandy, 78 years later, the world is again at the abyss, now of its self-destruction, possible by among other's World War III. At the present Bio-Diversity Conference of the last Chance in 7-19 December 2022 in Montreal, Canada, the elite is still arguing with the same thinking catastrophes that have caused the known distressing human catastrophes, keg-religion and TAG-philosophy/psychology after all their evoked bloody history absent, those in power lacking the relevant O-orientation, the consideration of which would allow to use M / O = STRESS < DEATH, to become timely part of the solution in eustress, with sufficient SYNERGY. At the same time, the media's attention was on the war in the Ukraine, China's play with fire, the Football World Championship in Katar with all the inner, and outer pollution.

Please be aware that what I have been written so far about me is based on the following parameters
g.)T.ZG..k......G..+2-4(.%1%6..e.%5[A.?0x3. I still need to complete the human aspect about which faculty#2 can argue but nowhere near to any personally relevant perfection:

After all the faced mentioned challenges, what remains is my unconscious competence, with its failure, such as for everybody, to become a part of the solution under OPTION I. Nevertheless, I have made up my mind to get ready with whatever it takes I make OPTION II possible rather than giving up, as most people have under OPTION I's rat race. The latter's prime currency is mass-attractivity as an unavoidable destiny of becoming other-determined by the 8 dark inner evil voices of disrupting the above
g.)T.ZG..k......G..+2-4(.%1%6..e.%5[A.?0x3 further such as

  • the ZG-zeitgeist of pre-trans-trapping each other's DEFIANCE) of
  • challenges with one's greed of more +2 of what pleases or disrupts one's desired return on investment with -4 undesired consequences,
  • ignoring the substance required for the necessary timely project-oriented exchange of competence in favour of the same old OPTION I curse of its %1-socially %6-projected, mutually %5-disrupting M-manipulations of AVOIDING[ with ?0-illusionary x3-egos.

Since 1980 I have prepared OPTION II for one's X-existence to be introduced here beyond the wordy abstract construct 'human', applied to myself, more specifically relevant than any philosophical psychology:

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After hedonism-disruption-gendering-metaverse-post-humanism, Goblin Mode seems to become the slang word of 2022 in the evolution auf the intellectual zeitgeist-thinking-catastrophes of THEO-, and ZEITGEIST-LOGIC, stirring up rejecting societal expectations and living after the climate crisis, pandemic, wars at the abyss, seemingly beyond the point of NO return from the speeding-up self-destruction of mankind. And here is its false prophet, evoking the Phoenix to rise once more out of its ashes with the most charmingly smooth voice in a media-democratic mass-attractively disrupting ritual to promote the latest evil hype:

How about focusing on the introduction of the so far slandered solution to the most crucial problem of humanity, L3-J, i.e. of L3-reframing the substantial way in which real humans (such as Xi-Jinping - Putin Selensky - Biden & Co., YOU and I, and collectives, such as USA-China), can J-justify each against each other and beyond, for each other in eustress towards synergy: Lacking the O-orientation about the relationship truths to solve the L3-J Orientation, people can only grasp each other as M-applying more and more manipulation intellectual-business, and power game know-how, lacking any responsibility for the bottom-line of all desirable knowledge work; also in organized science: M / O = STRESS < DEATH.

It seems, some animals have a higher existential intelligence than most humans indoctrinated by all sorts of artificial ones such as the OPTION I intellect - it is time to fix this human lack: In fact, everybody has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, where he/her has not sufficiently understood his/her Bp-substance for self-healing this paper is about- the signs are on all wall, organized science blind to it:

1) Conceptual Introduction

There is no more relevant topic to you or anyone else; yet people have been conditioned with increasing wordy culture to leave the definition of their X-personally relevant existence to what I call phony palace#2-priests#0, e.g., esoteric spin doctors, when this is existential for the former whole life! This is also YOUR life-long challenge to get your personally relevant answer, to which your life is the answer, with all the consequences when your self-image is misunderstood. Some 5000 years ago, an unknown Chines has made an important first step - yet still hidden in its meaning until I discovered it in 1980, to fulfill its full potential - now operational to be applied in trustworthy life-practical ways.

Below you find the concepts to do justice to the cornerstones, as well as the stumbling-blocks of personally relevant life. For each human being, relationships among them or collective systems, there is the one to be identified open-ended generative principles out of 1728 possible ones. That provokes the four temperaments of the insubstantial 4 disruptors:

  • T7-defiance, V7-displacement of challenges, A5-avoiding substantial M/O commitments, and finally E2-jealousy in terms of actions against competing powers, leading to the dead-end of the ultimate human catastrophes.

Basic interaction between two human systems such as individual or collectives

Image 2: Example of the concepts people have available for their extrinsic and intrinsic knowledge work in one-to-one relationships - above me-9Pv-EZ and poC-4Bm-TV (specified below)

Most sciences have far more concepts. The one indicated here for Applied Personal Science©, requires e-soulful experience, opening up for one's g-spirit, and experiencing ones k-body. You might call this psycho-somatic, physical and psychological, but what I introduce here goes beyond such wordy#2 and statistical#1, %-opinionating, 'anything goes' hedonism. APS challenges you to >qualify beyond the 12-level intellectual, insubstantial formally closed, thereby self-destructive, hierarchy of the basic institutions of temples#0 > palaces#2 > people#1, and each one's roles of; top-down, priests#0 > masters#2 > workers#1, and bottom-up, prophets#3 prophets.

APS opens up ends in the 12-level hierarchy in view of one's own end in this life, and supports the generation of a life-fulfilling legacy with personally relevant principles, towards their fulfillment. For that purpose, APS parameterizes the 16 social impact dimensions with one's inner resources; open for the grace of one's e-motional X-TAG-X cycle of tuning one's mindset into the ethical §1230B12345H1234L123- inner substantial mind frame to get restored by life- through task-fulfillment in one's 16 X-existential states of being; in the top row, my sequence (hycM fS...). Consider this introduction as an overview, the meaning of which will be revealed to you, in the further applications of APS of taking M/O responsibility for eustress allowing synergy.

Let us face it, the solution to M/O=STRESS<DEATH is

  1. the basis for the most needed business on this planet;
  2. sad to say still without competition, for me an outstanding advantage, however, the human M/O ignorance is becoming the greatest threat for humanity.
  3. The reason for (1) and (2) are, since Antiquity, the still prevailing thinking catastrophes about the nature of real human beings, based on the intellectual personally neutral wordy 'flat mental OPTION I operating systems.

The result of the intellectual category errors and non-sequiturs are the prevailing mental states of still most humans, with all their thinking-, evoking human catastrophes. This leaves people as sheople, as part of the problem, and their potential for their part of the solution, suppressed in YES-BUT organized OPTION I prejudices based on mass-attractivity as the measure of all things!

2) Game Theory

In UN-organizations voices rise, warning that our world slides into full flexed human right crisis by the way, our elites organize their power games to divide to rule humanity. The peak of that kind of crisis happened in the Thirty Year War 1618-48, among Christian countries in Europe. So let us look at the general introduction level Bp of I versus some You p-preparing each other's B-boundary condition:

  • (I) have with my X=9Pp, with function F9 fundamentally p-preparing P-processes such as here, on the level of people#1prophet#3 like 12.5% of all people, as the Jewish culture of the chosen people has done it in the human history, bottom-up from that intellectually lowest (because most challenging to the ruling elite) level#13 versus
  • (You), in image 1, the philosophically organized Christianity (poC) with its THEO-logical ‘God’, organized to 4Bm-manage to m-multiply universal B-boundary conditions for their projected superior religious mission; on top, THE POPE, followed by smaller ones acting as palace#2-masters#2 in their worlds – just as Jesus claimed to be, one of an empire not of this word.

My Interaction with OPTION I and OPTION II with those of the Christian mentality

Same as Image 2 above: 4Bp-TV collective with me as an individual, versus the collective poC, the philosophically organized Christianity

My Bp is 8Bp with the sole essential state of being L3-J, in the 12-level intellectual hierarchy on rank 8 (after top-down, the temple#0 roles #00-02-01-03) alone on #20, together with insubstantial two out of 8 dark inner evil voices, +2 more of the same lust, avoiding -4 displeasure, triggered by the most concrete F2-active temperament of the E2-disruptor's jealousy [+2-4/E2] - for some other's power over something I want it for myself - such as Moses demanded the commanding power of God's chosen people, in his name, from that of the Pharaoh.

3) Q&A

To the degree I identify with my Bp-OPTION II substance, I win - with or without OPTION I opinions of others, to the degree I identify with Bp-inessential states of being under OPTION I, I lose - like everybody else - independent of what others chose. As you can see, different human systems have different options, depicted by the different parameters above.

  1. So how can you discern one option from the other,
  2. chose the right one uncompromised by the false one, which makes you lose, i.e. to become a disruptor as part of the problem?
  3. How can you allow, and support OPTION II in others, so that your relationship become win-win, i.e. both sides taking responsibility for eustress towards synergy so that sufficient people may become part of the solution?
  4. What inner resource you, like every human being has, have you not already sold with parts of your soul for a mere mass-attractive appearance?

Here are the answers in the example of the poC-4Rm>2#22 oegp (one of 144 possible i-input priority and s-inner focus) with the parameters of the

  1. poC's own Bp-introductory topic right#23 with H2-M is alienated by its challenging DEFIANCE-Disruptor; against the poC's further supporting 2Oe>5#23 with the B1-I relationship truth. Therefore a substantial Christian finds support in his B1-belief in the I-concepts of his Bible to qualify with his life's >5 good F2-deeds in Oe-establishing his objectives. Rather than resorting to T7-defy these Christian values in falling for the temptations of M-manipulating his hidden agendas behind the fig leaf of a false palace#2prophet#3, a genuine Christian's basis is his O-Orientation in that part of the H2-Creator's superior order, to which he gains a M-maximal perspective in his relationship to the God of the Bible.

  2. The B1-I based on H2-M should manifest in a 'Christian' relating to a real person such as me, who is open with good will to even walk a mile on a 4Bm'-subdtantial person's B3-path in the, among other's Christian intellectual #23 mindset. On such paths have I integrated most so-called Christian values beyond wordy scribes about the Bible. Specifically, to understand, rather than to T7-defy people who they/I genuinely are in the H2-Creator's superior order, me, X=9Pp - existentially more to the point, than what say "Christian" entails whatsoever! A Christian 4Bm-encounter with me could be like 4Bm-Jesus meeting with a human cultivated as a Jew, such as the scribes of his time; insubstantial, or substantially, like 4Bm-Jesus' meeting Moses, with X=9Pp like me, or 0.7% of all people! But how can a non-X=4Bm person, such as I am, like 99.3% of all people with some other X, genuinely witness to have all the 4Bm-Christian substance - something even the scribes with all the knowledge of the Old Testament, could not, ending as the Devils' advocates - and which I can genuinely only be partially such as on me B3-path with a similar intellect as a palace#2prophet#3 - such as Moses was in achieving the worldly EXODUS' leadership? In short, and in accordance with Jesus' two basic commandments you can at best love what Jesus's life fulfillment means for your love of your X-existence! Not following this precision, wordy Christian address you simply as nothing but a sinner, as such, absolutely impotent to understand the Bible beyond its letters? Is there a more evil Bp-introduction as an X-less self insisting to demean one's neighbor into the total other determinedness to become a similar hater of him or her, B4-, H2-based X-self?

  3. That said to clarify the existential difference between mere mass-attractive wordy OPTION I and X-substantial, H2-based OPTION II, understanding, internalized to fulfill it in once life, with responsibility to self and others, is Applied Personal Science in the innately Christian way; with, or without the opinions the 4 disruptors arise, rather than the top-down formal zeitgeist perfections the 3 publically organizes extrinsic faculties of science#0>#2>#1 demand of their construct, "human".

  4. please scroll up to image 2 for an overview of the resources you, like any real human being has available to give meaning to your insubstantial OPTION I and the substantial OPTION II, e.g. in technology, the concepts, and tools of tinkers, intellectuals formatting people as personally neutral sheople and 'anything goes' artists, versus the proven methods and systems of professionals.

So what remains is to review, how 9Pp-I have played my Bp-'game'#20 with the Bp-one#10 of the 4Bm-poC:

  • Where have I been F2-actively E-jealous for wanting +2 more satisfaction, and less -4 challenge from poC?
  • Where and how did I J-justify X=9Pv myself based on the 8Bp-necessity to reframe philosophically organized Christianity?
  • Based on your judgement, were did I lose, where did I win confronted with poC's %5 manipulation in its x3-ego defense based on ?0-illusions in E2-jealousy, trying to keep its definition power against my L3-reframing in the 'J-heresy' - for which I would have ended on the stake in the Dark Ages?
  • Did I do justice to the poC's §0-p sustainable perception, H4-h substantial living space, L1-R resolution-oriented thinking, L2-t in terms of timely exchange of project related competence, and L3-S relaxing reframing - towards responsibility for eustress allowing synergy?

for drilling deeper with Q&A

same as Image 2 above: Bp with me as an individual, versus the collective poC

4) Artificial versus Existential Intelligence

  • The wordy rat race to the top of the 12-level intellectual hierarchy, bottom-up#
    • 13-11-12-10 (56% of all humans serving as people#0)
    • 23-21-22-20 (33% serving in divide to rule palaces#2)
    • 03-01-02-00 (11% serving top-down in temples#0)

begann in cities beyond the realistic F1-nomadic life, F2-urban farming, F3-handwork-trade. That required personally neutral modeling of F1-3 to allow its F4-management of ruling the F1-3 people, by F5-entrepreneurs. Its increasing complexity (in modern history F1-6 capitalism beyond F1-3 communism) required F6-controllers beyond clan rulers, to make sure F4-6 was relevant for increasingly more efficient F1-3. The division between the F1-3 proletary and the F4-6 ruling class required permanent F7-restructuring to prevent the F8-necessities to get out of hand, and that requires a fundamental F9-orientation beyond human corruption (such as in technology, the relevant laws of nature; the content-free part of the H2-superior order of Creation) of the 'game' of living together by the OPTION I rat race for mass-attractivity.

The 9 basic function of productive and living systems

Image 3: F1-3 coping with hardware, F4-6 personally neutral ruling of people with OPTION I intellektuell artificial software, F1-9 existential peopleware making living together meaningfully fulfilling by acknowledging the H2-superior order, e.g. we live not from bred (F1-3), money-power F4-6, alone...

  • post humanism: Because poC has framed organized science to instrumentalize F7-9 first with religions, then with philosophy our culture failed and, on Nov. 24, 2026 evoked the AGE OF DISRUPTION with its thinking catastrophes full of category errors and non-sequiturs as outlined above, on Aug. 18 2022, post humanism was declared on Aug. 18, 2022. Since then, after Covid and the show down of the Ukrainian war, war over Taiwan lingering as a possibility, Russia and China in fear of decay, disruption beging to replace the failed intellect, so
  • algorithmic Intelligence outsources more and mor of the intellectually artificial human intelligence in weapons, production, social control and making human migrate into the Metaverse of the virtual world - the post humanist elite leaving life on Earth to spineless animals denying the right for human existence the have introduced, as a failure, washing their hands for the last time, in innocence; Putin, with Kim Jong-un, as Xi Jinping's useful idiots demonstrating how denying identity and existence of human systems can be implemented.

At this stage, the disruption in the Direct Demo-cracy of Switzerland the speaker of Zürich's city government, Lukas Wigger, speaking for genderism, justifies it with: "In the city of Zürich there are some people who cannot relate to the binary (male-female) common language structure..." In dealing with nature cause and action were diverse, until Kepler introduced the universality of the laws of nature. Except for me since 1980, people are dealt with the philosophical construct "human", denying them any X-personally relevant substance as outlined here to have been made understandable by the 4. faculty of science - despite the fact, that this is true for our bodies based on the understanding that they manifest our individual DNA.

How evil and crazy can science still be after the Flat Earth Society to maintain its definition power, now at the cost, of humanity destroying life on Earth?

5) In short

Let us face it; everybody has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, where he/she has not sufficiently understood his/her Bp-introductory substance for the grace of self-healing introduced above in the game of life.

The person I know best's PTSD-triggers were

  • being mistreated by an incompetent, alcoholic, literally bloody doctor (he tinkered with my tonsils before kindergarten, my head, and open mouth fixed, without anesthesia,
  • years of misunderstandings, getting beaten up, mobbed, and attempts to sabotage me going to high school - so I after a year I did it parallel to my apprenticeship,
  • a rape attempt by two drunk men in a room, which I could overcome by threatening with martial art,
  • seeing the communist madness in former East Germany, and the remains of the six-day war 1968 in the Golan Heights and the Sinai,
  • losing a child and a former wife,
  • three almost murder attempts,
  • seeing how one person sabotaged herself to death, another, somebody else, at the loss to prevent it
  • being pushed out of a promising carrier by mighty corrupt ones...

That has resulted from my own misunderstandings of actually self-sabotaging humans clinging to their perpetrator and/or victim power - me included.

In short, I have had enough first and second hand (among others in former war zones) experience from which an increasing number of people claim to HAVE PTSD or some other man-made situation tagged 'sicknesses' and/or disruptive behaviour and misusing it to appeal for sympathy for using victim power!

And guess what,
all such things can hardly be erased in one's brain BUT can be reduced in their meaning to mere memories in the background without any more suffering. In situations where attempts are made, to demean say my existence based on my X, I can defend myself with my already >qualified memories of having experienced the solution, rather than going on re-enacting the otherwise remaining painfully disrupting trauma of mixing up friends with enemies. The Nazis did the latter against to the Jews, as their scapegoat, Putin to Ukraine's identity and existence, both to protect their own X-self-sabotage with disrupting self and with its wreck, others who challenge them to become part of the solution.

There is a way for you too, to fulfill your part of the solution when you become open to reframe your mind to the former, then to go on defending your right for perpetrator- or victim-power as a fig leaf for clinging to hidden agendas and/or undealt with business. YOUR MAY NOW CHALLENGE ME TO OPEN-UP one avenue by going on arguing pretending your impotence for your necessary part of the solution, i.e. with X-self sabotage, or to ask for and follow the required steps to reduce your kind of PTSD from easily triggered disruption, to >qualified experience of your part of the solution.|

On that OPTION I socially favoured avenue, I would instead, above a certain, level of irritation, remaining impotent to handle the temptation of carrot/sticks - bribery/blackmail, fall for what to most people at first seems easier or normal; human, the lose-option - outlined above in the 'game' of life! This begins in desperation with conscience freezing in the first shock, which grows, in addition to the displaced unresolved real problem, physical PTSD symptoms via your psycho-somatic, personally relevant interface! So most people are left tagged under OPTION I, otherwise generalized as humans, now trying to free themselves with sublimation, chemical, word, with ideologies, gendering their identity and whatever else seems the man-made way of M-manipulation to safe one's comfort zone. And that is what organized science refuses to understand and overcome and rather just thematizes it in arguing as usual.

However, in the long run, that inhibits any growth in an increasingly closed, thereby self-destructive evil circle as part of the problem. Then shrinks come and by giving your state a tag, rather than understanding your unavoidable challenge towards reframing your meaning giving, the prefer to make you other-determined as the onset for their personally-neutral symptom management, e.g., with lucrative nerve cocktails so you remain part of their instrumentalizing problems.

So, I had to learn from early on, to make up my mind to remain part of the solution; at least for myself; with or without opinions. Be assured I shared this list with you, to make it clear, that in this disrupting world most people have serious inner wounds of which eventually most people die – usually rather by pretending they are OK, or simply deceiving others to compete, at the cost of betraying self in their lose-game against self and others. In short, I have experienced enough under OPTION I to have learnt my lesson:

  • that is to admit, when a person is stuck in the disruptors, I cannot do any thing meaningful with him or her sabotaging anything substantial, condemning self and others, with the last resources - as actually among other more and more SUPERIOR POWERFULLY positioned elites end up with, the smart ones displacing the unavoidable consequences in space and time onto others less powerful ones. That is, among others, what Putin at the bottom line is actually doing against his X-essential self himself, by making Russia do it with global consequences.

Confronted with such overpowering evil, I have learned to remain part of the solution of at the end preventatively heal myself, requiring some giving in to H2-higher order than the evil c3-OPTION I one. Then and only then can I find the TRUTH to grow in my LIFE beyond trying to force an OPTION I issue to end up in painful desperation. And that has allowed me, step by step, to put the disrupted puzzle piece of insights into relationship truths together in making the 4th faculty of science operational since 1980. That provides the OPTION II concepts for every human system with good will in charge. Those who remain part of the problem of increasingly disrupted lives on Earth ending with some kind of getting crucified, beginning with the evil punch words of the time, leave themselves and others, to try digging their heads into the sand of mass-attractivity.

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