Lightning Love Chain


The chances of getting struck by lightning in nature is about one in a million, but the chances of getting struck by lightning on a #vyb post is about 1 in 20. This is good news because each lightning strike pays off 5 VYB. But how can we get more?

Make a lightning love chain.

In the last couple days I have seen these chains on some #vyb posts. You can find out more how that works here. The longer the chain gets the more opportunity each participant has for a reward. It is a little different from the Yellow Bird game where only one comment gets a prize. Everybody in the chain will be rewarded when they reach a special number.

How can we keep the chain from being broken?

  • Answer the question given in a meaningful way. (Don't just answer what the last person on the chain replied. Think of your unique opinion.)

  • Call a friend that will most likely answer within 12 hours.

Make sure the friend you call is active. Check out their recent activities and if they were online a few minutes ago or had just commented on your post then that's the person that is the most likely to respond to a shout out. Check their activities to make sure and leave a comment on their post saying that you called them to the vybolt chain.

Here we find both Dreemsteem and Wrestlingdesires are active and probably the most likely to answer would be Wrestlingdesires because he had just commented 11 minutes ago. It's best to tag someone who is active so that they will respond within 12 hours or the chain will be broken.


Don't let the chain be broken.

If you are struck by lightning once and survive you are very lucky but if the chain is struck by lightning a second and third time this is not good and it will break the chain. It's kind of like in baseball where three strikes you are out. After three strikes that chain is finished. The strikes happen when a person in the chain is mentioned twice or when the comments are low quality.

Imagine a billion joules of energy flowing through the chain at 270,000 mph. This is the charge the chain is getting every time it is struck again. So if it is struck three times it is finished.

The importance of heart

A chain needs a healthy heart or it will undergo cardiac arrest. I tried to display the importance of heart when I made this picture of the VYB logo. In the background is a blue heart. It is holding strong against two lightning strikes because it is the lightning love chain.

As long as there is community and teamwork and meaningful interaction the VYB will continue to flow through the chain and everybody in the chain is a winner. But when the heart and community is not strong then the chain is broken.

Here everyone from Ricky Skaggs and Johnny Cash to Bela Fleck and those boys from Long Beach the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band all share one heart.

Will the circle be unbroken?

Not everyone will get struck by lightning

Then how can I earn yvb now? I bought some through sending POB according to @xyb.xyb's instructions in the white paper. But there other ways to earn vyb.

  • Make some art using the vyb logo including the tags #showyourvyb and #vyb. That's what I am doing here in this article.

  • post in @proofoblind. I think my old link still works. You just click there and write a post. The rewards are sent to your account. I think this is also a great way to exercise free speech.

I've been playing with different versions of VYB and my favorite so far is the "Lightning Love Chain" version I used as the cover of today's blog entry.



This art is available as an NFT at @mineopoly/collection/mineopoly_vyb_lightning-love-chain

Creative Commons License

Now just in case you didn't get the point of this article. It is to make some lightning chains that can not be broken. These chains start on certain posts from the #ybm tag.
I haven't seen one chain reach 10 yet, but I would love to.


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