Good morning everyone, sorry because when I took pictures and wrote this time it was still early and sorry also to the block chain machine which is always disciplined in seeing the content of its users. I can't be like that machine but I just try in my spare time to find interesting story material to read and enjoy the pictures.
This morning, after all my affairs, I prepared my obligatory matters. Such as packing my merchandise and having breakfast, I walked to see the bushes not far from my house. I miss insects, I realize that I have a lot of content that tells about my daily life and this morning I specifically looked for activities in the wild.
Morning activities for daytime animals are not much different from humans, such as eating breakfast or breakfast. In front of me is a fly enjoying its breakfast, but the menu is full protein if I compare it to our breakfast.
In addition to being fond of smelly food, flies also like to eat their own friends. No wonder if my leg hurts I often feel pain when it lands on it. This is a good moment in my opinion because the insect will be silent while eating so I can freely aim at my target. I got four pictures of flies enjoying their breakfast.
There are not many words that I can say other than enjoy the picture of a fly eating its friend.