MidJune GroVid22 Update



...Post CoVid!.
I spent the majority of this past week, in Bed fighting Covid. Not a great feeling, being completely out of it. Fever one sec, chills the next. And thru it all, a hacking, grinding cough. My throat is sore. My stomach is sore from coughing so hard. My sores are sore. BLech. Finally, I am rested enough, and returned home... with the 2 family members who were positive, finally tested negative as well.br>

ABOVE, the garden is lush. onion are doing very well. Peppers? Are slowly growing. NOT as robust as I prefer. this shot is BEFORE I dealt with some of the weeds growing around the vegetables.


Above: Cherry, Pear, and Grape Tomato, are doing well. Good growth, with some pruning to take care of suckers, and increase airflow, for plant health. I see LOTS of flower blossoms: TOMATO!
Below: GOOD greenery and plenty of Blossoms on the Zucchini and some Squash, too!



Above: Full sized, and plum tomato are very healthy with many blooms, which hopefully, means many tomato!
Below: GREAT germination on carrot, so much so, that I need to thin, soon. Cucumber shows healthy leaves and I see blooms, too. The Brandywine tomato look healthy and robist, wiht blossoms, as well.



Above: Herbs look good and LETTUCE needs harvesting!

Gardening To DO:

  • harvest lettuce, arugula, spinach soon.
  • tie up more tomato, build trellis
  • weed more between vegetables
LOTS More to come, from my GroVid22 Gardens!

Show me your garden!
Leave me a comment, below... and a link to your garden!

It's time to take control of your own food supply,
your own health and your own lives.

The GroVid22 Challenge:
Grow Your OWN is not just a simple short challenge,
it's about taking control of your future!

Happy New Planting and Cheers,

All Photos by Bluefin Studios unless specified.

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