On Body Image and Dysmorphia.

I absolutely love it when people know they’re fine, beautiful and wholesome. I adore people who have a secure relationship with their bodies. When they are full of themselves, their beauty, their essence.
I enjoy it when people hype and praise themselves, their looks, their style, their persona. Confident people are my drug.


Being aware and full of one’s self is a very important trait to have. Because as we know, we’re always projecting, and if we feel great about ourselves then there’s a high chance that we’ll be projecting that feeling into others.
I believe self acceptance has the power to change the narrative of the stereotypical standard of contemporary beauty.

A good percentage of people don’t see themselves as beautiful or appealing, and that breeds lack of confidence, insecurity and that messes with someone’s head. Not feeling great and confident about one’s self results in a low vibrational state of being, and vibrating on a low frequency breeds series of ugly feeling and emotions like depression, self hate, insecurity etc. It is easy for people who see themselves in a beautiful light to find others beautiful too. And if someone sees themself as ugly then go figure.


Feeling great about ones self cuts deeper than physical appearance. Knowing your inner self, your higher self; knowing and loving your heart, your mind and the way it works etc, are lessons everyone should be learning from a young age. They teach us everything except how to love ourselves and others because high key, the world thrives on self hate. Your hair doesn’t look so good? Here, buy this product and it’ll fix it. Your skin isn’t beautiful? Here try this 10 step Korean organic skin care routines. ‘I’m too fat’: here, this diet and workout plan is all you need and here’s how much BBL cost.


I talk about the intricacies of body dysmorphia and how far we’ve traveled the both ends of the spectrum of what’s considered acceptable. It’s insane and honestly disgusting.

Dismantling the psychological effects of the stereotypical standard of beauty is not small play, but I’ve done it and continue to do it. Hating our bodies is top on the list of the most foolish things ever. You’re literally born with that body, and your body looks very different from the next person. So tell me, how did we somehow arrive at a place where the preference of some group of people have become a norm and considered acceptable, and if you don’t fit into this class of the beautiful ones then you’ll have to spend the rest of your life trying to make up for it.


One thing I did that changed my life completely was decentering men. Girls are raised to see men as the prize and destination, so they fashion their lifestyle in the ways considered appealing to men. Once I removed men from all the societal pedestal they’ve been known to occupy, I immediately stopped appealing to the male gaze and everything about me changed. I started wearing what I wanted and doing what made me feel good.

Because I feel good about myself I unconsciously project that on others. It’s practically impossible to be around me and not feel great about yourself.

Love on yourself, you’re your most precious thing; don’t let the world mess with your head.

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