My New Article For Everyone

Hope you all are doing good. Although we do not communicate each other much but still we want to see everybody's name of our upvotes. The most common line to interact with each other "Upvote to get upvote" make me think "Is this the only reason why I am talking to an unknown person?" I guess this can't be the only thing about us all to earn from others.
Some of us are businessmen, some are job persons and some are students. Trust me guys, these are better introductions than "Upvotes".
From the starting, I am copy and pasting a trending news and begging everyone to upvote me. But know, I got to know this is not how it's gonna work. If you share your profile link with the intention that the other guy will upvote on your all posts without opening them, trust me guys this is not the way how you gonna earn.
Do not post multiple posts in single day but write something genuine from your own. If you still not getting enough upvotes and rewards, no need to be worry about it. Just keep follow the same way and it will boost your profile rating.
To write, is the best way to get someone's attention. Nobody can interrupt you while sharing your thoughts and the best thing, you can change your words anytime before releasing (Lollz..).
I know I am very bad in writing but I am learning. Practice makes one perfect. I hope one day, I will be good. I need all of your prayers and support.
Thank you everyone for reading this boring, irritating and full of mistakes article.

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