Promood steemit in university IAIN Malikulsaleh Lhokseumawe

Faculty of Ushuluddin Adab and Da'wah of the State Islamic Institute (FUAD-IAIN) Lhokseumawe held a meeting with steemit curator for Indonesia to introduce new social media that is steemit on Wednesday (14/2/2018).


For in the last two years, steemit has been increasingly booming in Aceh, especially in Lhokseumawe and Aceh Utara.

With the new social media is expected in the future can motivate students to write.
Expected increasingly increasing student knowledge in the world of authorship.


Attend the meeting of Curator Steemit Indonesia, Reza Fahlevy (@levycore) and two senior steemians Ayi Jufridar and Muhammad Abduh.

The meeting was also attended by lecturers, students and alumni.

"We hope with the introduction of new social media, the more motivating students in writing" said Chairman of the Committee, Taslem Saifuddin to students in the faculty.

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