Promo-Mentors Challenge: Inspiration, Mentor and Motivation

People come and go into our lives. There are some who we never even talked too, but changed our ways of thinking and doing. There are those we haven't met, but how they communicated with us, made a difference between giving up and continuing to work hard. There are also those that are close to us, which we see often, and made a great impact in what we are now. These are people who influenced, guided and inspired our ways.


There are people who we look up into, which we try to mimic their ways, or atleast walk the same path that they take. I can remember more than a year ago, my goal was just absolute stability. Then by randomly browsing videos on Facebook, one video ad that popped up changed my outlook. Chasing up your happiness and loving the path you're taking is what life is meant; not living by doing the same thing over and over again, and wake up old one morning, regretting not living life to the fullest.


Gary Vaynerchuck is an entrepreneur who was born broke with a father who built a business from scratch, and found happiness in growing his own. His ways of telling the truth and not sugarcoat it, like other motivational speakers moved me. Just love the game - he says. Loving the process. After I've seen his works, and grind every single day of his life, I realized that he's not having fun on how his works could buy the Jets, but he loves the process to do so. He is the one who inspired me to document my journey, and makes me continue to do so.

Now, I don't look at his content anymore, since he already inspired me. I do really hope that one day I could meet him - to thank him personally for doing his social media stuff that it reached me at one point in my life.


There are people who we've never even seen, but helped us way more than those we do. You've seen their hard work, and while doing so, they still give time to help those who are in need. They inspire, motivate and encourage, and find happiness in doing so.

I've first known Steemit back June last year, but hadn't had posted until October. I was just here lurking around, looking at people's posts, until I decided to make one. I was lurking around at the good old Steemit Chat, and there I met @futurethinker. When I made my first post, he commented like one of those who do at every post they see. It was funny.

But from there on, we started talking. While technically I was first on Steemit before him, he was far more experienced. He had made a lot of good friends, while I can say back then, he was the only one I consistently talk to. Though here on where I live, I felt a bit lonely, atleast there was someone online that was there to talk to.

Last year was one of my darkest days I can say, when mid-life crisis really was way up the charts. I can fairly say he was the one of the guys who made me kept moving on. He was really helpful, even though he didn't know the people personally. Before he was even a OCD curator, he really wanted ways to help out. That's why he founded the @promo-mentors. I could've been an early part of it actually, but I passed because of unnecessary things all around me.

Even so, he didn't give up. There were times that I know even on myself that I was just hard-headed. He was still patient enough and really helped me out. Took me long enough to realize that. But I still really thank him for giving me a chance to be part of his community. I passed on him last year, I won't the second time around. I'll be always in his debt.


Then, there are people who we never expected, came into our life and stayed. Which at first we just thought they'd come and go, but even how shitty our life was, they held on, and kept fighting for us.

Three years ago, I've met this transfer student. I was single for three years, so I'd thought I'd try to give it a go again. I was really bad at relationships. The longest I had was for 3 months. So there I thought, this one was just another short one.

But to my surprise, she really taught me a lot. Patience, forgiveness and perseverance. You know, those one you'd get on them serious relationships. No matter how hard our fights were, how difficult our relationship was. We fought on. Even on my darkest days, fighting for depression. She was my light.

She's my motivation. Well, you might ask, "Where's your family then? Didn't they motivate you? It's not that they didn't. Family is always part of us. But I would like to recognize more, someone who is not bound by blood. Someone who has no obligation to stay with us, yet they did. Someone who persevered, no matter how tainted our past was. And those people are golden gems that we should value.

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