Language as Media to Communicate


language is a communication tool that we use for daily activities.

Language is a means of communication between members of the community in the form of sound symbols produced by human utterances, Language is also a means of self-expression as well as a tool to show self-identity. Through language, we can show our point of view, our understanding of something, the origin of our nation and country, our education, even our nature. Language becomes a mirror of ourselves, both as a nation and as ourselves. In order for the communication to be carried out smoothly, the recipient and the language sender must master the language.

According to Gorys Keraf (1997: 1), Language is a means of communication between members of society in the form of sound symbols produced by human utensils. Some might object to saying that language is not the only tool for communication. They show that two people or parties that are communicating using certain methods that have been mutually agreed upon. Paintings, fire smoke, the sound of drums or barrels and so on. But they must also acknowledge that when compared to language, all the communication tools contain many weak aspects.

Basically, language has certain functions that are used based on a person's needs, namely as a tool to express themselves, as a means to communicate, as a tool to carry out social integration and adaptation in certain environments or situations, and as a tool for social control (Keraf , 1997: 3).

The use of language as a means of communication, has a specific purpose, namely that we are understood by others. So in this case the response of listeners or opponents of communicants is our main concern.

Language as a communication tool, language is a tool for formulating our intentions.

  • With communication, we can convey everything we feel, think, and know to others.

  • With communication, we can learn and inherit everything that our ancestors have achieved and what our contemporary people have achieved.

Language is a tool for communicating through verbal (primary language) and writing (secondary language). Communicate through verbal (produced by human utterances), namely in the form of a sound symbol, where each sound symbol has its own distinctive features. A symbol can sound the same in our ears but has a very different meaning. For example the word 'nest' in Korean means love, whereas in Indonesian it means cage or place.

Writing is the arrangement of symbols (letters) arranged into meaningful words and written. Oral language is more expressive where expression, intonation, and body movements can mix into one to support communication. Tongue as sharp as a knife / razor blade, therefore it is better to say in words not to carelessly and respect and respect the interlocutor / communication target.

Language as a means of communication has the main function of language is that communication is the delivery of messages or meaning by someone to others.

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