Today, We Promoted Steemit To 1,000s on YouTube!

Lately, we've been asking our YouTube subscribers to vote on which video we should do next. We give them a few options from which they get to decide our next video. In the latest vote, How we make money while in Mexico was the winner.

Our latest YouTube videos have been getting at least a few thousand views in the first couple of days, so this was a perfect opportunity to promote Steem/it to 1,000s of non-Steemians who are already curious about how we're making money while traveling.

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We know we could have done better to explain what Steem/it is, but this is the first of many times that we'll really be pushing the awesomeness of Steem to our audience. Baby steps, right? We'll be learning from our mistakes and trying to improve our message and delivery with each video.

Yes, we didn't cover some very important things about Steem/it and we deserve that rebuke. We purposefully kept our explanation as simple as possible, so we just referred to everything as "Steemit" without getting into the differences between Steem, the network, and Steemit, the privately-owned website.

A lot of our latest videos are starting to go viral-ish on YouTube. If you want YouTube to rank this video really high and get 1,000s more views on YouTube, there are a few things you can do:

  1. Watch the video from beginning to end
  2. Like the video and leave a comment on YouTube
  3. Subscribe to our channel while/after watching the video
  4. Share the video on social media

These are all metrics that YouTube looks at when deciding how high to rank a video. So if you can do all of these things, it will be more likely to go viral and expose thousands more to the wonders of Steem. The worst thing you can do to affect the performance of this (or any) YouTube video is to watch a few seconds of the video and immediately click out of it.

Watch the full video below.


Or, watch it directly on YouTube here

We use this action cam to shoot our videos.

Curious to learn more about us?
Check out @wadepaterson's 20 Questions with TangerineTravels.


Until next time,
@sharingeverybite (Maddie)
@shenanigator (Jordan)
(and Laska the Siberian Husky)

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If you enjoyed this post, follow us @TangerineTravels

Our NEW YouTube goal is to hit 5,000 subscribers by May 14th.
Help us get there! Subscribe to our channel
Progress: 3,233/5,000

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