Everyone in the Steem Community should be on Twitter..!!

#Promo-Steem - Now is the time to ramp up the Marketing and Promoting of the #Steem Community..!!

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Everyone in the #Steem Community should be on Twitter

Ok, "....everyone in the #Steem Community should be on Twitter..!!" may well be asking too much, but what I will say is, "....everyone in the #Steem Community who are Marketing and Promoting the #Steem Community should be on twitter..!!"

For the past +20 months I have been trying to get as many people to use twitter as a great "Route to Market" tool and even ramped up my campaign in June of this year by changing my twitter profile specifically to promote #Steemit and #Steem.

If you would like to see the #Steem Community grow and you are passionate about Marketing and Promoting the growth of the #Steem Community, I would highly encourage you to open up a twitter account if you do not already have one.

This is where our Market is..!!

With an untapped and Ready-Made Market, this is where the fruits of #Steem's growth are hanging, ready to be picked.

You just have to go out out there and pick them.

Up to 16 hours per day and mainly on twitter

Those that have followed my Blog will know that predominately most of my time is taken up in Marketing and Promoting the #Steem Community and I spend up to 16 hours per day, 7 days a week, mainly on twitter.

What I post to #Steemit is a mere snapshot of the work I do and hopefully in time this will pay-off.

For me, you can have as many close-room chats, meetings, discussions and private conversations as you want to talk about how to Market and Promote #Steem, but ultimately someone eventually has to go out into the real World and reach-out to real people.

That is where a twitter account using the hashtag #Steem is a very, very, very powerful tool.

....and it's free..!!

Thanks for supporting #steemtalent

Thanks for reading and once again thank you to everyone around the World that has supported the #Promo-Steem #steemtalent Project.



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#Steem Community

Rewarding content in the #Steem Community.

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