As we begin designing the STEEM Exhibitors Stand for The London Cryptocurrency Show on Saturday 14th April 2018, I wanted to share with you some of the ideas we could do to make the STEEM Exhibitors Stand truly amazing..!!

Cryptocurrency News: #Promo-Steem Exhibitors Stand at The London Cryptocurrency Show Media Partner - Update

As we begin designing the #STEEM Exhibitors Stand for The London Cryptocurrency Show on Saturday 14th April 2018, I wanted to share with you some of the ideas we could do to make the #STEEM Exhibitors Stand truly amazing..!!

Fully Interactive Exhibitors Stand

The London Cryptocurrency Show Promotion Stand Promo-Steem Steem Steemit.jpg

Yesterday I published a Blog talking about how this is a golden opportunity for promoting #Steem in the U.K. and one that gives the #Steemit Community a great opportunity to promote the Platform to a large group of people at an event like this.

For the ones who may have missed the Blog yesterday, here is the link..

Having been given this opportunity to be a Media Partner to The London Cryptocurrency Show has given not only a tremendous amount of responsibility, but will give #Steem and the #Steemit Community a massive amount of exposure in London.

It is this massive opportunity that I am grasping firmly with both hands and I want to make sure we maximise it to our greatest benefit.

The three roles for

As role of Media Partner to The London Cryptocurrency Show, has agreed to support the Marketing and Promoting of the event in the run up to the 14th April, as well as offering: Speakers, Presenters, Moderators and Compare Hosts for live sessions on the Main Stage throughout the day.

But it is the third role as Exhibitor I wanted to talk about today to make sure we give visitors on the day something extra special to see.

Iterative Demonstration of the #Steemit Platform

In the video above I explain that rather than just displaying a few Banners and handing out T-Shirts, Flyers, Leaflets and Business Cards, it would be cool to have the facility to advertise existing #Steem Applications as well as giving live interactive demonstrations of the #Steemit Platform..!!

I propose that we have a printed backdrop of #Steemit and #Steem Application adverts in front of which will stand a pair of high-level screens mirroring a pair of hand-held tablets demonstrating the user experience of the #Steemit Platform.

I have no doubts at all that this fully interactive facility to demonstrate the #Steemit Platform will draw people to our Exhibitors Stand rather than just simply having a few people stood there chatting randomly about what #Steemit and the #Steem Blockchain can do, while handing out a few goodies.

There is still a tremendous amount of work that needs to be done for the event and now is the time to decided just how special we make our Exhibitors Stand.

Golden Opportunity

As mentioned before, this is a golden opportunity for #Steemit, the #Steem Blockchain and #Promo-Steem and one that I will personally throw whatever it needs at it to make it extra special.

Opportunities like this don't come around that often and when they do you simply have to do whatever it takes to make it happen.

Regular Updates

Over the next few days/weeks we will share with you the things that we are doing and I am really looking forward to seeing all this start to pull together.

This is a huge Project to pull off and I excited to see the #Promo-UK Team once again pull together an amazing job.

Saturday 14th April 2018, put it in your diary

This one day Cryptocurrency Event will be held in London at the Novotel and it would be great to see as many of you there on the day.

Saturday 14th April 2018, put it in your diary and hopefully we will get to see as many #Steemit Users at the Show as we possibly can.

You never know, we may even get @Ned to pop in on the day as a V.I.P Guest..!!

A Massive Thank You to The London Cryptocurrency Show

I would like to once again take this opportunity and say a Massive #Steemit Thank You to The London Cryptocurrency Show for giving us this once in a lifetime golden opportunity to showcase something extra special.

Once again, a Huge Shout Out to Matt @Starkerz, Dylan @Anarcotech, Alla @Allasyummyfood and all the others already working on the various initiatives for the Project.

Thanks again for reading/watching.

Stephen - Media Partner for The London Cryptocurrency Show

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