The minnow school talent hunt

Hello steemians, it's me again @renald, the first artiste under theminnowschool talent hunt and am bringing you update as promised in my last post, see here
So in my last post I talked about @theminnowschool talent hunt founded by @bait002 who gave me an opportunity to display what I am good at by sponsoring a studio session for me and enabling me a song.
What is this about??
THE MINNOW SCHOOL TALENT HUNT: here they greatly hope to give minnows who are not really writers but have other gifts such as singing, painting, dancing, acting a platform to express themselves and get their creativity beyond their minds. Basically, they are giving these young people a voice and ultimately awaken the writer in them…
So last time I posted a short clip of the song and promised to share the full video for you all, that is what this post is about! As you can see, above is the complete clip of the song and I hope you guys really enjoy it!

A very big thank you to @theminnowschool and of course @bait002 for this awesome opportunity! Also a very big thanks to @crystalll for making this song release a success, thanks to @hendrikdegrote for your support in my last post, I appreciate you all steemians and the entire steemit community…Till next time, I am @renald

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