For how long are you going to be someone else?


We are in the time when people don't want to relate with one another with their true identity. They want to create another person's image with those they are dealing with.

It wouldn't have been an issue to me, but seen many turning to that direction thinking its the new way of living is my major concern. If things are like this now, what would it look like if few years time?

A lot of factors are responsible for people using other people's identity, but no matter how good or pretty your reason may seem, it is an act you should not try to practice any longer. Because, that is nothing but a fake way of living.

Fake living is not the best way to live. Never leave the original you behind while relating with others

Some people after failing at something wouldn't want to appear as failure. So, they borrow another person's identity and start presenting themselves as success.

While it is good to find a means to lift yourself after each fail attempt, it would be very terrible to build one reputation round it. If people know you to be successful in what you are failing at, it would be a problem for you and the people.

They will give you the honor due for the winner which when they later find out might caused them to hate you for it, and it also deny you of your right to try again. Or, how will you explain to them that you want to do it again. Smile

You will continue to live in this fear for the rest of your life and you will deny yourself the second chance of trying.

Those that live their lives like this have accepted to be a life failure or failure for life

Well, the goodness is that it's never too late to turn a new leaf, stop denying yourself the right of second chance. Just come out of your shell, fine they might make jest of you, but just for a moment. Stop putting yourself in the prison of pain, regret and failure.

If they make jest of you today, they will come to celebrate you by the time you become the original of what you usually faked.

You can't compare the joy of freedom with the pleasure of prison

If it involved saying sorry to some people, please do, if it involved taking up a form or course, please do. Whatever it is that is required for you to have your freedom, don't hesitate to do it

No sacrifice is too big for your personal liberty

I hope someone find strength in this little piece and turn a new leaf, you are in the path to your destiny by just taking the step to be free.

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