A Simple Steemit Presentation To Four (4) Friends (Including Photographs of My Branded Steemit t-Shirt)

For love of steemit and in a bid to create awareness of what it's all about, I made a short and simple presentation of steemit yesterday to four (4) friends. Thanks to my good friend, Stoja Petrovic, who invited me over to do the presentation. Her friends, Jelena and Sarah (Jelena's daughter) are also my mutual friends. Svetomir, the only man (blessed among four women. Hahaha...), is Stoja's neighbor, who expressed interest to join us. Below are some photographs from the meeting. 

First to the left (Sarah), second to the left (Svetomir), third to the left is Jelena and then yours sincerely (@maryfavour) wearing a steemit branded t-shirt.

Flanking me on the right is Svetomir and Stoja on the left. Stoja fed us with too much pizza for me get bigger and gain more weight.  Hahaha...

 Think it, steemit. Absolutely! That is the inscription on the front side of my new branded t-shirt. If you can think it, then steemit. 

Presenting Steemit With the Acronym PIVOT&E

Since the meeting was going to be an informal one, I thought to make a simple presentation that everyone can remember. What came to my mind was the word, PIVOT, remembering my high school physics, parts of a lever . By definition, Pivot is a central point on which something balances or turns

Image source 

Moreover, before the screen printer made the branded t-shirts , I thought of the acronym PIVOTE (from PIVOT) and told him to print the words; Post, Interact, Vote and Earn, alongside QR code of  the link to my steemit page, on the back side of the t-shirt. See photograph below. 


  • Post
  • Interact
  • Vote
  • O (2nd letter in the word 'vote)
  • T ( 3rd letter in the word 'vote)
  • Earn

Below are 3 short video clips of the presentation (mostly in Serbian language/'srpski')

First video clip explaining Steemit using the acronym, PIVOT & E

Second video clip, responding to some questions  including how much I earned in my last post before the meeting ($46 SBD)

Third video clip, doing a major comparison of facebook to steemit in terms of earnings

Image source have been properly cited. All photographs were taken with Stoja's i phone 7 plus mobile devise. The customized divider was made for me by @outhori5ed, and the generic footer sourced from here

If you like the branded t-shirt, reside in Serbia and need one or more, place your order here . The cost is 20 SBD/1 steemit branded t-shirt (free shipping cost included). After placing your order, send 20 SBD with a memo ''mail steemit branded t-shirt'',  I will mail it to your home address. More promo materials to come. 

My sincere apologies to all contestants of mission to minnow (MTM) challenge #3 to win a ticket to steemit in Nigeria (SIN) conference,  for the delay in announcing results of winners of the contest. An update post for all contestants have been written, pending selection of winners. Hopefully, the long awaited announcement will made before Wednesday. Please, keep checking @redfishpillar's blog. Thank you. 

What are your thoughts regarding my first steemit presentation to a small group of friends? How do you present and promote steemit to your friends, family and acquaintances?  Please, share in the reply and comments section below. I would like to hear from you. 


Follow @maryfavour & @redfishpillar

Thanks for reading and watching!

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