physically challenged kids matter too; our visit to childcare trust


when we got a wind of a school for physically and mentally challenged kids right here in Abuja the capital of Nigeria, we decided a visit won't be out of place. “Child Care Trust;¬ is a school for physically challenged kids; some of these challenges we were told by their care gives ranges from speech disorder, movement disorder, blindness etc. while there the saying “there is ability in disability was proven right” by one of the kids whom despite being disabled is very good in sewing, art and even has the ambition of being the president of Nigeria one day.


these kids needed the love, care and acceptance from people who are not their family members and because we were fully aware that the resources needed to take care of these kids is a hundred times more than that to take care of a kid with no physical challenges . we went with items ranging from toiletries. food items cloths and school items

physically challenged kids matter too, they should be love and cared for by the general public and not just their immediate family only.



i went there with a steem logo branded shirt made by me and most of my colleagues and staff of childcare trust were curious as to what it was all about and trust me, i dint just tell them i sang it to them too lol. As you can see from the above pics, these kids got a lot of swag too and one of them is a comedian and she nearly cracked our ribs with laughter


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