The Real Abortion conversation we all should be having…

the argument being made is that a lack of self discipline is apparently sufficient)justification to use abortion as birth control, instead of showing any restraint or maturity to either abstain from sex or use protection, and I find this disgusting, troubling and indicative of a morally bankrupt citizenry and this needs to be discussed before this lack of respect for a human life becomes the norm.

The conversations being had on this subject seem to be missing the point entirely, at least from my perspective. As to avoid the inevitable what about rape, incest, etc. arguments it should be said exceptions such as this I believe are logical and fair so the individuals I am speaking to are those who exercise free will and the result of there actions can be placed on no one but themselves. Anyone trying to use that argument is being intellectually dishonest, as well as living in the age of tinder and the thought processes that go with such things being a large influence which leads me into our main topic. Should we not be talking about lack of self discipline and ownership of ones actions that has lead these woman to where they find themselves in the position of ending a life, more commonly referred to as murder or manslaughter. I'm sure those words evoke a much more visceral response….this was intentional.

Why are the lose sexual practices of these women and men not being brought into the larger conversation. For example if it was both partners free will choices that lead them to the point that they created a life, and the following is the main message of this, why is it the child’s responsibility to take the burden of there actions. Abortion is not birth control and should not be used as an “oh shit” button because you(both partners not just the woman) lack self discipline, self-respect and a general understanding of the intimate and deeply personal act of sex(making love- I think making love could be taken so far as to mean making a child which as my two year old sits in my lap is the very definition of love and biologically the entire purpose of sex). Sex is not a throw away activity like riding a bike but the way it is treated by a majority of the woman demanding there right to literally rip a child apart because they lack the self-discipline and self-respect to wear protection, get on the pill, or demand there partners do the same, or …..maybe…..just maybe…..they could get some perspective, take ownership of there actions, and treat sex as it should be….its hard to believe I know(thick sarcasm)….

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