My top 3 posts on project hope (09/09/2020)

Articles curated by @project.hope: my top 3 weekly selection (09/09/2020)

I like the neighborhood and as a participant in projects, I retain allotted myself to the chore of weekly initiating a nomination of the writings that appear most fascinating to me and here I fetch them to you and submit them now.

This is all thanks to the labor of @crypto.piotr who has assembled this gorgeous and rising community called @project.hope

We are a committee of people who love technology, artificial intelligence, psychology, marketing, finance, and areas for which we are excited that we come together to share and illustrate our ideas through this community.

This week we talk about psychology, lifestyles and how following a few simple rules we can have success in our business.

As always, very current and interesting posts, which I have dedicated myself to recommend, enjoy the selection.

So Lets see, here is my top 3 :

1 - Family personal rules that lead to success

"Simple rules that results in the attainment of success needs to be followed carefully if we must attain success, there are definitely going to be life struggles here and there but with a life based on direct rules, it will become convenient to scale through."

@futurekr explains some simple rules to follow to be more organized and achieve success and everything that we propose.

An interesting read that you can't miss.
The title Is self explanatory.


2 - Monday motivation stop procrastinating do it now

"...I'm quite sure you've actually gotten the scope of the context and this bad habit I'm gonna be discussing about is known as Procrastination.
We can define the word procrastination in so many different ways but a layman will define procrastination as the act of postponing any activity you can do today for another. There may actually be nothing wrong with procrastinating sometimes..."

@hardaeborla It explains in a simple way how to combat this problem and its consequences.


3 - Why companies never joke with commercials and advertising in business

"Commercials is one part of marketing in business in which businesses connect their products or services with consumers. When it comes to business.."


Wish you enjoy these reviews, I made it to collaborate with @project.hope

¡See you on my next post!

Note: 50% of this post-earnings goes to @ph-fund.

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