Why Companies Never Joke with Commercials and Advertising in Business

Commercials is one part of marketing in business in which businesses connect their products or services with consumers. When it comes to business, one way to make proper sales is by reaching out to consumers so they know what you are selling and how good these services/products are to them. Little wonder a lot of companies spend money on marketing so they can have improved and increased sales. It is no doubt the TV/or internet commercials are advertisement of less than 120 seconds which depict what the product is, why you need it and why you can’t do without it. This is the goal or target of advertising or commercials.


What are the goals of advertisements and Commercial?

The goal of commercials and advertising is to depict the part the company want the consumer to see. It is to keep the consumers coming by completely tricking their brains to picture the product or service thereby creating a crave and addiction for the product, service or brand. Let me explain one after the other.

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Depict the Good Side of the Product/Services

We all know that Coca-Cola is a complete combination of excess sugar, water and carbon (IV) Oxide which in actual reality isn’t good for the body. Research has shown that most people who take soda repeatedly tend to be obese, but Soda companies will never use an obese person for a commercial because it would not speak well for the company. A commercial for Coca-Cola will never depict Coca-Cola can wash off paint color, serve as bleach for cloths [I tried this personally] because people will not see it as something consumable but rather they will see it as something very harmful, instead, they will depict Coca-Cola with Happiness, Togetherness, Unity, Fun and Satisfaction.


Creating a need for the Product

We all have food to eat at home and people can cook at their convenience while they microwave it when they are hungry but when commercials for restaurants and fast foods are coming on, it depicts cooking at a fast time, as well as clean and hygienic food. This type of commercials requires enhanced photography and video editing.

Enhance obsession for the Product

It is no doubt that when we see something often, we get attracted to it. This is what advertising/commercials does, they make the heart of the person want to have a taste of the product after which the person becomes obsessed with the product thanks to repeated advertising.

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