The Joy of Progress

Personal progress is not a constant. Sometimes it seems like two steps forward then one or three steps back. Sometimes it is inch by inch. The task is to keep moving. EF13EBC2-AF93-4865-8791-944C41E9E335.jpeg

Making progress towards a goal feels good. This afternoon, I inched forward in a few personal lifestyle objectives.

All of us have nuisance issues. Many years ago, I faced a daily annoyance with an almost empty tube of toothpaste. Each day I devised new and creative ways to squeeze another bit from the tube. One morning, I gave up and threw it away: something I should have done days earlier. The next morning I opened a new tube of a new flavor. The rest of my day was better.

When you recognize a nuisance issue, destroy it. Nuisance issues drain us of emotional energy.

Today when I made progress in two mostly insignificant problems it felt great, because my subconscious knows I will never face those annoyances again. One of my nuisance issues was only being able to charge two usb devices at a time.

Life may never reach perfection, but tiny moves gives you energy to try again tomorrow.

Here is today’s beauty.


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