I finally found time to fix the bugs! [Short Status Update]

Soo after a couple of weeks of writing various cancerous class tests and finally bringing myself to stop sleeping all day for at least one weekend I got the issues with LuaComputers fixed.

The issues I had were these:

  • LuaComputers froze the whole X server on Linux for me (for whatever reason)
  • Sending UDP messages just threw an error

The biggest problem obviously being the first, I had to temporarely stop updating the project.

Anyway, last weekend I finally took a look at the code again and realized my stupid mistake and fixed the second problem, now, how did I fix the first one?
Well.... it magically disappeared even before I touched the code (i.e. before I tried to fix the 2nd problem) sooo....

With these issues out of the way, I decided to also switch to GitLab just because I like how they give free private repositories and everybody starts to hate GitHub for selling themselves to EvilSoft so I kinda jumped onto the bandwagon.

Thanks for reading!


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