Python Post-Course for Beginners - Installing IDE and Hello World

Hey, how are you? This is another post of the course and today I will teach you how to install the IDE where we will make our code and run it. I will teach how to do your first Hello World in Python,but first all lets see what is an IDE.


IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a computer program that combine characteristics and tools of support to software development. It help to optimize the process.

Some common characteristics includes:

Editor: it edits the source code of a program written in some programming language that work in that IDE.

Compiler: compiles the source code, edited in a specific programming language and transforms to a machine language.

Debugger: assists in the process of finding and correcting defects on the source code of the program to improve software quality.


There are many IDEs that works Python language like Eclipse,Sublime,NetBeans, Komodo-Edit and others. We will use the Idle.
Note: click on images to see the steps

To install the Idle you will access

This is the most up-to-date version, if you want more versions, access

And choose your OS . You can choose the best type for you, zip or
executable, I prefer executable.

After you download your archive, install by clicking on it.

Now you have the IDE installed. Lets open it

We will talk about the interface in the next post, so at now, we will make our first hello world and to print hello world in the console we must write print(“Hello world”). At now, all you need to know is that whenever you want to pass something to the user you have to write print and inside the quotation mark(“text”).

Now click on run and run module(You can press F5 too). You need to save your project first.

Nice, now you did your first hello world, try to do other phrases, test and have fun, it is always good to do exercises to fix it in your mind.

Exercise 1:

Show in the console the phrase: Hi, my name is YourName, how are you?

Exercise 2:

Show in the console the phrase: I’m learning python, It is fun.

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See ya in the next post


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