Dilemmas of a new programmer – What language to choose?

The first steps into the programming world are not easy, it takes a while to understand what you are doing. Even though you master the basic concepts, the purpose remains vague until that one moment when it suddenly starts to make sense. In my case, it took 6 months.

When people start programming, they usually don’t know what language to choose. This results in choosing a wrong one and loosing motivation over time. So, it’s important to start with a language you will enjoy to learn. But there is one more rule to never forget about, don’t limit yourself to one language. By doing this, you will limit the possibilities in your career as a programmer.

The first question you should answer to yourself is what do I want to achieve? Some people want to create video games; others are into app development and so on. I will try to give you an overview of the most common languages and what for they are used.

Is mainly used to create web applications and applications for Android platform.

Is used for low level development, like creating operating systems and language compilers.

This one is popular among the game creators, but is also used for embedded softwares, device drivers and much more.

Main language to create applications for Windows operation system, but also used to create backend for web applications.

A language created by Apple to improve the development for their platforms. So, if you want to create an app for the App Store, you should master this one.


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