Programming Competition #1: The beauty of π

pi beauty.png

Hello fellow Steemians!
As @d4vem4ster420 and I are enjoying the Steemit community very much we also wanted to contribute something. Because of us being interested in programming and the whole world of computer science we thought launching a little programming competition would be a good idea to share our enthusiasm. At the moment we're planning to give some interesting tasks requiring not only coding skills, but also creativity to solve. Not wanting the knowledge of a certain programming language to be a limitation we decided to accept all of the popular, "common" ones. Actually these challenges should be fun to do, but a little motivation for you to spend your time with the problems apart from fun should also exist. Sadly we don't have the capital to give away Steem, but we're definitely planning to in the future if we get some money through upvotes or donations. So, let's start!


For the first challenge we decided to make creativity the main aspect of it. Thus the task is a bit vague leaving huge room for interpretations.
Write a program creating an artwork using pi.
This could be something like an image or a melody generated using an algorithm using pi's decimals or the shape of the symbol. Just be creative.

We will pick the entries (if there are any participiants) we like the most in about a week. Have fun!

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