The basics of html programming - part2

The basics of programing part2

( 7 year old experimenting with html - account supervised by @matthewdavid )

Hi agian I am here to show you the basics of programing

as you can see this is part2 if you have not already check out part1. lets get started now after you have made

your file, go to your browser and do ctrl O that will give you an option go.

to your html file if not already there and select index.html

it will open a blank web page, but why blank, I forgot to close the <html>

tag after doing that your code shall look like this:

<DOCTYPE html>



<title>my web</title>



<h1>hello world</h1>



save your document and restart your blank page. it should have a big

header on the screen that says hello world. now how do we make it smaller

we simply change the <h1> tags to <h2> and that is not all the tags there is,

there are <h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6> tags that is all for now see you soon.

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