Next step in my Web Development career

I hope some developers/programmers, other people in the IT will read this and will recognize my situation with there’s. I do have a question for you at the end of the post!

Again I can’t think of a better place to share my feelings and thoughts then on Steemit.
I normally post about things that interest me the most: cryptocurrencies, motivational/self-development stuff.
But when the time is right I would also like to share to you my first steps into a professional programming career.

As a third year Computer Science student, it is time again to do an internship.
I do have a background in native generic PHP and JavaScript development from my two previous internships. The last two years I learned a lot about Software Engineering, especially in Python, C#, and F#.

Now I had a nice opportunity to go back to Web Development, only this time most of the work I will be doing is in frameworks this time (Zend 3, Zend Expressive, VueJS).

This Monday I will be starting with my new internship. I think it will be a nice opportunity to combine both my experiences with static and dynamic programming languages!

The question that comes to my mind recently is :
Should I stay a all-round developer or start to becoming a specialist in some kind of language?

I would like to hear your thoughts about this topic in the comments!

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