ugh, so dumb, I should have been recording before it get’s hot, then write, then edit in the morning, let it batch encode over lunch #adapting

Ugh, man, it’s a hot one again today and although I knew it was gonna be I just did not register that it might be another 4 degrees hotter than yesterday, I kinda promised myself a sprint between now and later (film date night part two) but it’s just hella hot right now — it’s gonna drop off and into rain later so that’s awesome but still, I dropped the ball a little, playing catchup by writing instead so I can have the fan on, if I record ya see I turn that off and the lights on, instant hot kitchen mode!

So, to deal with everything, few things I wanna/will change in the next few days, first thing is I need to get some additional PLUGS for remote control — I wanna be able to from the desk just turn the fan straight up off right there and them, it’s a small thing but I think it’s useful — also wondering if those things are universal, as in if I buy a new one will it all work together, if so then I literally have two remotes, one for bed, one for work!

New plan of action for hot weather recordings.

  • shoot in the cooler morning, don’t worry about issues, shoot straight through, add effects, overlays and shit later.
  • write after the recording block, maybe record for a few hours max in the morning, do newsletter, write out other blog posts
  • finish writing, client work and then batch encode yesterdays edits for posting today.
  • edit this mornings video recordings as far as possible and have a good folder filing setup.


record early > write + newsletter > batch encode yesterdays edits > edit

It’s kinda a new setup because normally I’d do record, edit, write, post and then hit the afternoon and want to record more but it’s too freaking hot, my whole schedule is messed up when it’s warm! — gotta be more strict about it if not being able to record because > heat because fan off > noise! LOL.

I’ve then really gotta pomodoro those blocks and then I think I’ll be in good shape for the rest of summer, it’s funny how a little tweak can fix all the mini frustrations that can have you cycling around right?

I just needed to write that down because then i can treat it like another step through process better then and see where I have free time around it, also helps with fun times with poppet in the summer time! :)

Ah, clarity!

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