7 Tips on Saying Less...Doing More!

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Hey there everybody,

So, I said in my Introduction post that "I was going to bring the value tonight". Well, its that time.

I've noticed alot of people(myself included from time-to-time like that post) say... "I am going to hit $5k this month!", but then they dont actually do anything to get there and they repeatedly do this.

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One step is, like Nike says, "Just Do It!". Stop posting what your intentions and get it done. People would rather hear what you successfully done than something you didnt follow through with...

Don't you agree?

Commit to the process, focus, and follow through.

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Here are some tips on how to do just that:

  1. Just have that one or two tabs open... close the rest that dont relate to your project. There are some good apps that help you do this. If offline, depending on what it is...shut off your phone, tv, etc and just use a pen and paper or the basic tools required.

  2. Work on that one thing. Multi-tasking often wastes more time.

  3. Write daily, weekly, monthly... to-do lists and goals so you know exactly what you need to do.

  4. Team up with someone who will keep you accountable. They may have similar goals or be a mentor.

  5. Set aside certain 45 minute blocks of time that you have planned out every minute.

  6. Set a timer to keep time in check...sometimes hours go by and I have taken too much time for one task.

  7. Throw perfection out the window. Just.get.it.done!

What are some productivity tips you have that might help others?

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