The secret to getting things done in the modern world. A quick guide to productivity.

So if you're like most people in this digital age you get up, check your favorite websites, get lost down some sort of rabbit hole and end up getting absolutely nothing done. The reality is humans weren't designed for the modern era. We were designed to be interested in the novel because simply put nothing interesting happened to our ancestors. This backfires upon us when we're given limitless access to novel information 24/7. Here are some simple tips to getting more done every day:

1. Each night start out by making a list of 3 to 5 tasks you NEED to complete the next day.

Before you go to bed each night spend 30 seconds thinking of everything you need to get done the next day. Write it down... or do what I do and put it on a whiteboard behind your monitors. When you're writing goals make sure they're achievable, specific and solve a urgent problem. Bad goals tend to be too hard to reach or are simply unreachable.

2. When you wake up immediately do some exercise.

This may sound stupid, but getting even a small amount of exercise first thing puts your brain in a hunting mode. It effectively tricks your body into believing you're hunting down your next meal. It increases your focus for the rest of the day and promotes a higher metabolism. Even if it's just a quick walk around the block it will make a difference.

3. Shower and prepare for the day.

After your exercise be sure to go take a shower. Feeling clean and presentable has a direct impact on your mental state for the remainder of the day. If you feel like crap you won't be encouraged to get things done. While you're in the shower be sure you review your list for the day and pick the first thing you're going to work on. Try to pick the hardest or most important task first so you can get it out of the way.

4. Check things off as you do them. Be proud.

Be proud of what you accomplish and check it off as you complete it. If need be offer yourself a small reward for completing a task. Nothing will encourage you more than seeing the progress you're making.

5. Monitor your distracting time.

Most people have no idea how much time they waste, fortunately we live in an era where that information can be easily tracked. I generally suggest tracking your time in the background for 1 - 2 weeks before you start changing things around to be more effective. I personally use Rescue Time (Referral: or

6. Setup a website blocker, phone blocker or both.

If you find yourself struggling to get things done because of constant distractions, news sites and other internet trash install one of the apps/plugins below and use it to create focus sessions. Rescue time (mentioned above) has this, but I've listed a few more below.



Hopefully you find some of these tricks particularly useful. I know they've changed how I get things done and really helped to reshape my productivity. If you have any comments or suggestions I'd love to hear them :)

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