Introducing BioLite FirePit

I have been a huge fan of the company BioLite ever since I purchased their CampStove several years ago. I take the CampStove on every camping trip and it always becomes the center of conversation. My family spends a few minutes gathering twigs. Then we fire it up, offer up phone charging to our friends, and cook a meal or boil water for coffee (I also ended up buying that grill attachment and kettle pot which fit perfectly over the CampStove).

Today, BioLite emailed me about their newest product, the BioLite FirePit, which is currently being funded with a Kickstarter Campaign: BioLite FirePit: See Fire, Not Smoke. Here's their video:

Awesome, huh? I used to have a wood fire pit in my backyard. Every time I used it, there was so much smoke that always found a way to blow right into my face. The BioLite FirePit promises to eliminate most of this annoying smoke, makes the fire visible with a "X-ray" mesh, and also offers a hibachi-style grill. And for you tech geeks, you can even control the fan intensity from their BioLite Energy App for Android and iOS!

Their first production run is expected to ship the fire pit in May 2018, but that option is already sold out on Kickstarter. I pledged $199 to get the FirePit after the 2nd run which ships in July 2018. I look forward to posting about my experience once it arrives.

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