Magento Product Availability Check by Zipcode Extension

Why to follow checkout process to know the product availability when there is the easiest solution to this. Knowband offers the Magento Product Availability Check by Zipcode Extension which let your web visitors check the availability of the product by entering the zipcode. The Magento Availability check by zipcode extension adds a block on the product page where the users enter the zipcode and know the product availability.

If you are a Magento store owner then you can try this Magento extension. The product availability check Magento extension not only enhances the user experience but improves the UX of the site as well.

Characteristics offered by product availability check Magento extension:

1. Product Zone Mapping Configuration: The Magento Extension for Delivery Availability Check offers the store owner to map the zones with the products in two ways. 

The e-merchants can either do the product zone mapping manually or they get the option to upload the CSV file for product zone mapping.

2. Assorted Global Zones: The Product Delivery Check by Zip Code Magento Extension allows the store admin to create unlimited global zones.

3. Edit/Delete Global Zone: The Magento Product Availability Check by Zipcode offers the store admin to edit the global zone whenever needed. He can delete the global zone also.

4. Distinct Zone for Unavailable and Available Products: The Magento Product Availability extension offers the e-merchants to create the distinct zones for the available and unavailable products. 

5. Configure Estimated Delivery Date: With the help of this Magento Availability check by zipcode, the admin can configure the estimated days of delivery that would be displayed on the product page.

6. No-checkout: The Magento product zipcode extension provides the functionality to deactivate the checkout procedure for the products that are unavailable.

7. Delete Product(s) from Zone: The Magento Product Postal Code Validator extension provides the store admin to delete any product from the zone.

8. Compatibility: The Magento Extension for Delivery Availability Check is compatible with SSL enabled website.

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