The world Social Problems give your feedback your comment is highly appreciated


  • Their are two types of Problems.

1. Individual problems:

Affects large population.

2. Social problems:

1. Current Social Problems:-

  • Drug addiction/ dependence.
  • Alcoholism.
  • Sexually Transmitted Disease.
  • Vagrancy.
  • Juvenile Delinquency.
  • Prostitution.

2. Social Health Problems:-

A disease may be termed as social problem and its social relevance become quite high when following happens.

  • When it has got predominant behavioral component in its causation
  • When its widespread over large geographic area and affects many( î incidence, î prevalence).

3. Social Health Problems:-

  • It is severe & mortality is very high
  • Leads to permanent disability & crippling
  • Leads to discrimination & ostracism
  • When it disrupts trade, affects the economy of nation
  • Primarily economically productive population is affected.
  • Growth & development of young children is affected
  • When treatment is out of reach for many
  • When the disease is incurable

Social Problems & their behavioral component_-

Social Problems Behavioral Component

  • Population Explosion * High fertility, Early marriage, Non-acceptance of contraceptive.
  • Adverse sex-ratio or falling child sex ratio * Female feticide, Infanticide, Gender bias
  • Smoking & tobacco & alcohol abuse * Habit of smoking in the family or peer group, social acceptability, seen
    as a social status.
  • Accidents & suicides * Rash driving, disobeying traffic rules, driving under influence of alcohol,
    drugs or stress.

Prostitution: -

  • Urban social problem.
  • Age old social evil.


  • Changes in environment
  • Breakdown of inter family relations
  • Parental discord
  • Lack of affection
  • Illegitimacy
  • Easy access to money & wealth
  • Low I.Q.
  • Low morale
  • Poverty

GOI passed:-

“The suppression of immoral traffic Act in women & girls”≠bans it in commercialized organized form

  • Amended & Ratified on 1986 as “Immoral Traffic (Prevention)Act”.

Delinquency: -

  • Delinquent:*
  • one showing deviation from normal behavior & has committed an offence
  • Theft, sexual assault, murder, burglary - Great social problem

Causes of delinquency: -

  • Social mal-adjustment
  • Poverty - Disturbed home
  • Drug addiction
  • Alcoholism
  • Adoption of modern life styles

Dowry System:-

Innocent Custom Social Evil

  • Control through: “ Dowry Prohibition (Amendment) Act, 1986
  • Min. Punishment for taking/ abetting dowry: 5 yrs or rigorous imprisonment & a fine of Rs.15,000/
  • Well sustained effort needed to root out such evils.

Drug Addiction:-

  • State of periodic/chronic intoxication detrimental to the individual & society
  • produced by repeated intake of habit-forming drugs.

Precipitating Factors:-

  • Curiosity & natural tendency to experiment with drugs
  • Disturbed domestic environment: broken home, lack of communication between parents & children,
  • Escapism from tensions & frustrations
  • Adoption of western life styles
  • Punks)
  • Ignorance about ill effects of drugs 16

Drug addict:-

a) Psychosocial dependence: overpowering desire to take the drug & obtain it by any means
b) Physical dependence: if withdrawn, patient develops withdrawal symptom: irrational & violent behavior, nausea, diarrhea, watering of eye & nose
** c) Development of tolerance: tendency to increase the dose**


a) Identification of drug addicts & their motivation for drug detoxification
** b) Detoxification following hospitalization**
** c) Post-detoxification: counselling & follow-up :clinics,home visit**

  • Simultaneous Changes in environment: home,school, college
  • Psychotherapy

Preventive measures:-

Education of target groups through:

  • Television
  • Radio
  • Leaflets
  • Posters
  • Creation of mass awareness “Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic Substance Act” 1985 19

Alcohol Abuse: -

  • world-wide social& medical problem
  • Rapid socio-economic & cultural changes alcohol seen as symbol of prestige & social status
  • î in consumption & frequency

Consequences: -

  • Crime
  • Murder
  • Prostitution
  • Malnutrition
  • Neglect of family life
  • Unemployment
  • î debt
  • Delinquency
  • RTA
  • Cirrhosis, alcoholic psychosis, alcohol dependency


  • Timely identification of risk factors
  • Wide ranging public education, dialogue & investigation of public attitude
  • Social welfare
  • Improved health services

Unmarried Mothers:-

  • strict social custom
  • Unfavorable tradition
  • Insignificant problem in India

Special Needs:-

  • MTP
  • Health risks
  • Medical guidance
  • counseling

    Author: Mashooq Ur Rehman @mashooq
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