The world has seen major changes over the years in terms of transactions and finances . Since the creation utilization of bitcoin, several other cryptocurrencies has been created and utilized as well for their different use cases or purposes of creation. Since cryptocurrencies are digital assets, there must be room for exchange, where this digital assets can be converted back regular fiat currency or just traded with other cryptocurrencies by traders . Just as there are several cryptocurrency assets there are also several crypto exchanges in the crypto space, the issue is most of this exchanges are just gimmicks and unserious exchange platforms.


Little to zero professional touch
Poor security
Slow transaction /low speed in transaction processing
Unfriendly trading platform
Bad performance
Huge transaction charges
Little Liquidity
Lots of robot trading

The age at which cryptocurrency is now, and the rate at which its adoption has grown, if this issues are not well corrected or fixed, it hinders the adoption of cryptocurrency both onchain and offchain. What is needed is an exchange that offers global adoption/usage, huge security assurance for its users , and infact the opposite of all the issues mentioned above. For this reason the probit exchange was created by a team of professionals who acknowledge the current issues faced by crypto exchanges and have decided to bring a stop to it. The probit platform will be revolutionary and will be nothing like the exchanges you were previously used to.


To be a platform that will be used globally for crypto trading and covertion of crytptocurrency to regular fiat currency. In achieving this the Probit platform will have to be usable by several countries of the world where cryptocurrency trading are carried out. In future the Probit platform also aims to have an indigenous fiat-coin exchange centers in many countries of the world.
From time it has proven that being professional about dealings makes it look better and attract more investors to what you offer.For this reason the Probit platform was in no rush to build a platform for building sake , instead they took there time to build a state of the art trading platform with engines that are very efficient and effective. Due to this upgrade, the probit exchange will offer smooth, speedy and a wide trading experience.The exchange will also help novices and already experienced traders with features that can help them carry out there trading section hitch free.
An exchange is often know to be a house of several digital assets owned by users of the exchange, this assets often runs to billions of dollars and due to this huge sum of money, exchanges are often targeted by hackers and criminals. In the past we have heard of several exchanges getting hacked and several valuable assets go missing instantly. This will not be the case with the Probit platform as this is one of the major issues the probit exchange plans to curb out and instantly distinct itself from other random exchanges out there . The probit platform will grants its traders and users several security option to help secure their assets. The probit exchange is aware that trust is something they need to excel in this current market, and they are not willing to joke about it. When using the Probit exchange users can feel very certain that their assets are in good hands .


The Probit exchange is far superior to other exchanges technology wise as it can handle over 1,500,000 transactions every second. Now that’s something you do not see everyday, in my next article will be going deeper into the Probit platform and what its is really made up of. Stay tuned to learn more about this exciting exchange platform.

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name :- CIA TONY

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