PRiVCY... Anonymity & Security which we deserve

A new privacy coin has emerged!

After being disapointed in a previous privacy coin in cryptoworld.. (which I won't call by it's name anymore) I too a step back for some months.. to reflect on which coins/cryptoprojects were worthy to be trusted and which of these were good investments.

And then I came accross PRiVCY

They are currently building their community, but already have a clear roadmap on where they want to go. It's clear that privacy & anonymity are core elements in the project, but also fair distribution and open communication with their members. No doubt that they have learned from the mistakes of others and used all this info to turn it into a new promising project.
No bedazzling promises, no weak agenda, just plain & clear milestones.. which will be finetuned along the way.

i'll be on board on this new adventure and I hope more people will join !

More info can be found on :
And when you are convinced, join the community on discord >

note: this should not be the reason why, but mind that you can also benefit from 17 more airdrops to earn some PRiV-coins... so be an early adopter and help us build this project together !

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