Flight Log 5.13.2008 – Hello Brett!

Today I finally got in my cross country flight to Hamilton, NY (H30) from Penn Yan (KPEO) completed and on the top of it all I caught up with Brett Zefting (Bravo Zulu Aviation).

The weather was very cooperative this evening and I couldn’t wait to get airbourne. I plotted my course to H30 from KPEO as direct via GPS. For backup navigation I was to use the Georgetown VOR and planned on using good ‘ol dead reckoning as this route was familar to me having tried it once before with Hamilton closed at the time. Tonight I would be at 5,500 ft on my east bound and 4,500 ft on the return.

After take off from Penn Yan I gained my altitude and asked Elmira Approach for a flight following. As usual they dumped me to Rochester Approach as soon as I asked for a following. Rochester Approach was busy but took me and kept me until I was passed over to Syracuse Approach. Syracuse Approach was by far the most accommodating and stayed with me as well clearing me from traffic right after the Georgetown VOR.

When I was about 10 miles from H30 I cancelled my flight following and made my 10 mile out call. No traffic was on the frequency and no field was in sight. The new weather system at H30 was working so I knew my entry point for my downwind, but even at 5 miles out and still fairly high there was no field in sight. I made my 5 mile out call just to see if anyone was around, but no reply was forthcoming.

Finally at about 2 miles from the field I found the lake, hangers and the new strip. Now that I was on top of the field I did an immediate downwind over to final. After landing a voice over the radio asked if I was 73450 from Penn Yan? – I said “yes, is this Brett?” Yes was the answer back and I told him who I was. Brett told me to taxi over to the FBO for parking. I quickly parked the 172 and got out and met Brett.

Brett has been working on a great number if things, including his instrument rating. He has a blog so I won’t go into everything he is involved in. Brett showed me around the FBO and showed me the plans for a plane he was helping college students build. We sat for awhile and chatted over pizza for about an hour, but the daylight was leaving us and I had to rush back to Penn Yan before dark.

It was great to meet Brett in person finally and perhaps we will fly somewhere one of these day.

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