Why You Should Never Go on the Internet Without a VPN, and How You Can Get One



Once upon a time, the internet felt like a private and obscure place. But the reality of today’s cyber climate is that every move we make is traceable and, in case you weren’t aware, that data is a desirable commodity. Whether it’s for innocuous advertisement purposes or for hacking crimes, all of our clicks are watched and collected.This is an issue that has recently been brought to the forefront of conversations, as the Federal Trade Commission recently ruled to let providers sell user’s information as long as there is some mention of it in the contract and the user can opt out…a condition that’s not very helpful, as the average internet user is often unaware of their rights or the current regulations.In reaction, more and more people are talking about virtual private networks, or VPNs.A VPN is a software tool used to create privacy on the web. It gives people the freedom to click without being tracked by creating an encrypted and secure network connection between the user’s device and the server.To break this down a bit more, service providers are able to track our every move on the web, so are people who have access to public networks (AKA hackers) and the government. A VPN essentially scrambles our requests before sending them, which means that people who have access to our activity are unable to discern what we’re doing. It’s basically like translating a transcript into a gibberish language that no one can decode, thus providing browsers with the reliable privacy they’re entitled to. 

 Security is the most alluring aspect of VPNs, but leading VPN providers like Disconnect offer more than that. Disconnect, an app compatible with iOS, Android, Windows and Mac OS X, will block trackers from third parties that are harvesting data, but Disconnect goes a step farther by letting you know what tracking requests you’re receiving, whether it’s social media, advertising, content, or analytics. It does this because not all tracking is dangerous or beneficial to block.


Some tracking helps to enhance your web experience and other tracking helps content providers keep track of their demographics — if they’ve stated so in their terms of use. A little tracking is respectful and useful, and Disconnect aims to bring transparency to both sides of the track.The app will let you know what you can’t see on the web, and in addition to giving you a sense of safety online, Disconnect will also increase your browsing speed. Trackers and malware put a huge strain on your device. By blocking tracking requests, Disconnect allows your web to process faster and, in return, it increases your battery life.Moreover, while you might not often run into issues with this, Disconnect also unblocks locked content. Whether you’re trying to watch Canadian Netflix and can’t get to it because your location tag is routing you towards the United States Netflix, or whether you’re searching for content that is blocked in the particular country you’re browsing from, you won’t have any trouble finding it with Disconnect.For only $49 you can get a lifetime subscription to Disconnect so you can rest assured knowing that you’re not being followed, your identity is private, and your web is operating at top speed. 

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