moei dk

{(x,y)/ x and y are positive integers and x + y = 7}.Write L by listing its elements.

Exercise 1.2
1.Draw the following intervals.
(a) {x/x > 2} (b) {x/x ≥ 3} (c) {x/x x ≤ -1} (d) {x/x>-1}
(e){x/-2≤ x≤ 2} (f) {x/0≤x≤ 5} (g) {x/x≤0 or x.2}

  1. Draw a graph to show the solution set of each of the following.
    (a) x-1<4 (b) x-1≤ 0 (c) 2x≤5 (d) 2x-1>7
    (e) 5-x≥1 (f) 1/3(x-1)<1
    3.Draw the graph of the following number lines below one another.
    (a) P = {x/x≥3, x∈R} (b) Q = {x/x≤-2, x∈R}
    (c) P∩Q (d) P∪Q
    What is the slope of BC?
  2. Given the points D(-4,6), E(1,1), F(4,6), find the slopes of DE and EF. Are D,E and F
    collinear ? Why?
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