Man Reunites With His Pup After Being Exonerated

Her name is " Innocent " and he raised her his last nine months in prison.

In 1979, Malcolm Alexander was convicted of a crime he did not commit. Due to this wrongful conviction he was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Out of his life sentence he was in prison for thirty-eight years.

During his time one of his friends had a dog who had given birth to a litter of 10 in where Alexander adopted one. He chose to call her " Innocent ".

She is a beauty and in the video below you can tell how tight their bond is and the love they have for one another. Being reunited with what some of us call our babies or kids is a beautiful moment and even more precious when it's shared with the world.

I can't even imagine how sad I would have felt if I were in his shoes, leaving a place I never should have been in without the one thing that I have unconditional love for in the unfortunate circumstances he was in. Thankfully he was proven innocent by DNA testing and reunited the following day by the volunteers for the Innocent Project.

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