Adventures in 3D Printing: The Exercise Bike Magazine and Device holder

A few weeks ago I bought a pretty basic exercise bike off of Amazon. I like it, it does its job, and I strategically placed it in front of my TV. So I can pedal while watching instead of sitting, hooray exercise.

Anyways I don't always watch TV and one short coming of the bike is that it doesn't have a holder for devices or something to read, such as these things called books. So this print is going to attempt to solve that problem.

So this is bike. Screen Shot 2018-04-09 at 10.40.05 AM.png

The very rudimentary drawing of the general idea. Screen Shot 2018-04-09 at 10.45.19 AM.png

And the 3D model of the bracket piece.Screen Shot 2018-04-09 at 10.41.16 AM.png

The bracket is basically two hollow cups that slip over the tops of the bike handles. They will be adjustable and can be tightened down. I havent decided if I will make something that slips onto the bracket that can be interchangeable or if I am going to add the holder piece onto the bracket itself. The more I think about it going the route of interchangeable is better. As it offers more options for the future.

Once I get another small break from work I will go into actually printing the design.

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